Parcc assesment

This comparison of the grade 3 pencil paper PARCC test and the online grade 5 PARCC test is extra credit and worth 10 points. If you do not have a paper test from the face to face class, you can use the Grade 3 from the link below.

For the online gr 5 test, go to:

Review the Computer Based Practice Tests Unit 1 and Unit 2 ( skip Unit 3).

Grade 3 Paper Pencil Reading test: After reading thru the Gr 3 PARCC reading test, discuss the following questions.
• Describe two reading strategies that a third grader would have to know in order to successfully complete this test.
2 points
• Identify a benefit that either the teacher or the student would derive from this test. Explain why.
• Describe a hardship or confusion that this test may cause for a student.

Grade 5 Online PARCC Reading test: After going thru the Gr 5 PARCC reading test, discuss the following questions.
• Describe two reading or computer strategies that a fifth grader would have to know in order to successfully complete this test.
2 points
• Identify a benefit that either the teacher or the student would derive from this test. Explain why.
• Describe a hardship or confusion that this test may cause for a student or a teacher.
• As a teacher, explain which PARCC test you would want to give – the paper pencil version or the computer version. Be sure to give your reasons.