“A Wall of Fire Rising”

Respond the following prompt below in a 3-5 page fiction response essay. Your essay should be in MLA format, make use of support from the story (using quotation, summary and/or paraphrase) and should include citations in-text and on a Works Cited page.
Remember to avoid summarizing a story – instead, focus on answering the question(s) and explaining why the quotes and passages you’ve chosen are significant. You do not need to consult research or outside sources for this paper.

Prompt – Choose a story with a first person narrator. How does the narrator’s bias, personality, and reliability affect the story? Are readers given false or biased impressions of other characters? How does this impact the meaning of the overall story?

These are the stories you can find these on google so pick the best one the matches the prompt for the essay

Boys and Girls”
“Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?”
“Sonny’s Blues”
“I Stand Here Ironing”
“A Good Man is Hard to Find”
“A Pair of Tickets”
“A Wall of Fire Rising”

I have included how the essay should
Be done and outlined so please file this outline for the essay please and thank you

I. Introduction
a. Quick summary of short story
b. Include name of story and author
c. Thesis statement: The story “Story Name Here” makes a clear and strong statement regarding race and class in American in the 1950s. The characterization, symbols and setting details demonstrate the negative impact that racism and poverty has on people and on relationships.
II. First main point: Characterization illustrates how the racism in America in the 1950s, as well as the struggles of poverty negatively impact the lives of the main characters.
a. Quote from story (integrated into my own sentence)
b. Example from story
c. I explain how these examples prove my point
III. Second main point: Symbols in this story also emphasize the challenges caused by racism and poverty.
a. The door is a symbol of racism, because Steve can’t go through the door…
b. The ring is a symbol of Steve’s oppression because….
c. The lost shoe is a symbol of the weight of poverty, because…
IV. Third main point: Setting details further illustrate the negative impact of racism and America’s class system in the 1950s.
a. Social environment details like Steve’s job and home
b. Details about the neighborhood
c. Quote about how the bus system doesn’t go to his neighborhood
V. Conclusion
a. brief restatement of thesis
b. brief reminder of main idea

Things to notice about this outline:
1. It is organized around the thesis. Each of the main points comes from the thesis.
2. All arguments are supported with examples from the story. Quotes would be integrated into your own sentences, and examples would be summarized. Evidence does not have to be given in order of the story – in fact, avoid putting things in order to help you avoid summary.
3. All body paragraphs (II, III, and IV) end with the author’s explanation of how the evidence proves the point. No paragraphs will end with quotes or facts.
4. This outline can be used as a blueprint when writing the paper. Each main point is its own paragraph