E Commerce

For your e-commerce paper, you will analyze an e-commerce entity’s operations using the knowledge you have gained in this course. Although your paper is not limited to these areas, you must cover the following in order to receive full credit: Provide the name and web address of the company you are analyzing. Provide a brief history of the company. Did it originate online or was it originally brick and mortar? What was the rationale for starting the company or converting it to e-commerce? What kind of company is it? (B2B, B2C, etc.) What products and/or services does it offer and who are its target market? What are its marketing strategies? Are these effective? What are its distribution channels? Are they effective? Why or why not? What are the main security threats it faces? What security measures does it use? What are its main competitors or potential competitors? How does it or could it distinguish itself from its competition?