In the current international economic environment, managers are frequently required to undertake project work in addition to their core responsibilities. Frequently these projects are focused upon investigating new opportunities or potential strategic changes in order to retain and extend competitive positions within a turbulent business environment.

In the current international economic environment, managers are frequently required to undertake project work in addition to their core responsibilities. Frequently these projects are focused upon investigating new opportunities or potential strategic changes in order to retain and extend competitive positions within a turbulent business environment.

This module aims to equip managers and aspiring managers with the necessary skills to undertake independent project work within a business environment. It will achieve this via asking participants to conduct an independent piece of research based upon an actual business case situation which may be industry or corporate focused. Specifically, participants are invited to pursue one of two possible approaches:

1. An inductive study whereby participants are required to carry out a research project within a particular corporate or industry setting and derive some general management principles or theories.
2. A deductive approach whereby participants are required to examine or test the validity of an existing management theory to a particular management context.


• To facilitate the development of advanced level independent working and critical problem-solving skills in a largely unstructured framework. Participants will be asked to define both the business problem and select the most appropriate data sources. This will include development of an appreciation of the case study technique as a vehicle for understanding managerial problems and issues. In particular, participants should be able to comprehend the complimentary nature of various research approaches and methodologies and the value of triangulation in research design.

• To develop participant knowledge of and proficiency with, a range of management research methodologies including quantitative and qualitative interventions, including data gathering, synthesising, analysing and consultancy skills alongside capabilities in report writing. The module aims not just to develop an academic writing style but to also enable participants to cultivate a professional corporate style.

Additional Guidance
Projects should be submitted with an ethics approval form which has been signed by a supervisor. Please see NILE for additional guidance about appendices.

Word Limits
The word limit for this assignment is 15,000 words
Where the submission exceeds the stipulated word limit by more than 10%, the submission will only be marked up to and including the additional 10%. Anything over this will not be included in the final grade for the assessment item. Abstracts, bibliographies, reference lists, appendices and footnotes are excluded from any word limit requirements.

Where a submission is notably under the word limit, the full submission will be marked on the extent to which the requirements of the assessment brief have been met.

The learning outcomes to be addressed through this assignment are:

Knowledge and Understanding
a) Identify, understand and deploy various research methodolgies, both quantitative and qualitative, in order to conduct research into a range of management problems and issues.

b) Critically examine and articulate the importance of the varying philosophical positions that influence management research and the researcher.

c) Identify and apply the key data triangulation techniques required to analyse business case problems and issues.

d) Demonstrate and enact the chief ethical considerations that impact management research.

Subject Specific Skills
e) Apply a range of quantitative and qualitative research techniques to management problems and issues.
f) Use appropriate software such as SPSS and Nvivo to analyse quantitative and qualitative data.
g) Source, identify and critically review primary and secondary data material.

Key Skills
h) Develop and demonstrate the ability to work independently and to manage the entire research process from question formulation through to analysis and interpretation of results.
i) Develop and demonstrate an appropriate report writing style that balances the demands of brevity, comprehension and criticality.