Experiential therapy

Your final paper must be a research paper. You must use at least six primary sources for the paper. Acceptable primary sources include scholarly books, chapters from edited books, or articles from peer-reviewed journals. If you use any secondary sources (articles from magazines/newspapers or textbooks) for your paper, it will not count towards fulfilling the requirement for the six primary sources. All of the sources you use for your paper should not be by the same author or group of authors. In general, your paper should present the following information regarding the therapeutic approach you have selected: a) theoretical perspective (e.g., key concepts, underlying assumptions about human nature, historical background); b) therapeutic procedure (e.g., assessment procedure, therapeutic techniques, nature of therapeutic relationship; c) critical evaluation/outcome research).Your paper should be at least 8 pages in length (not including the cover and reference pages) and must be written in APA style (font size 12, regular margins, double-spaced). The paper must be written in your own words. Closely paraphrasing someone else’s writing is plagiarism. If you present someone else’s ideas or data, you should give the author(s) credit by citing the source in the text of your paper and listing it in the reference section. Given that your final paper has to be only eight pages in length, you are allowed to use only one direct quote (which is no more than two sentences)! Also, do not fill-up space with anecdotes and case studies. If you have problems with writing, please let me know early in the semester so that we can make arrangements for you to receive individual help with your writing. I will be happy to give you feedback on your paper if you hand it in to me by November 24. If you submit your paper prior to the final due date for feedback, please be sure to attach the original draft with my comments to your final draft. The final due date for the paper is December 8. Your paper will be worth 30% of your final grade.