Preproduction – Scripts, Video & Graphics

The SCOOP: Preproduction – Scripts, Video & Graphics
This assignment demonstrates your ability to create a show rundown, write creative scripts using
the A/V format, select show graphics and properly size them for broadcast and to select and edit
video clips to be used in your show.
Assignment Requirements:
1. Total Project Length 5 minutes (Including 1 minute Commercial Break)
2. Rundown
3. Scripts
4. Video (at least one A-Block story w/ Video Clip)
5. Graphics (Every story must have an OTS Graphic) Provide list for Clip Store
6. Chyron (Every Host, Guest and Story with video must include L3) Provide list for Chyron
7. Props for your B-Block sketch – Provide List or Photo
***Detailed instruction for each of the requirements below.
Your RUNDOWN should clearly communicate the order of scripts, the elements that correspond
with those scripts such as video clips, lower third graphics and (OTS) over the shoulder graphics
and finally the timing of each script plus commercial break for a total show time of 5 minutes.
A1 OPEN THEME 1 (c-key) Scoop OTS clipS2 L3/Host Name/Scoop :15 4:45
A2 CRADLE ROBBER 1 (c-key) Marc Anthony – – :15 4:30
A3 PUSHED 1 (c-key) girl/canyon 7-vtr L3/ courtesy 1:05 3:25
***This rundown was created in Microsoft Word using Tables
Your SCRIPTS should include detailed information for the director and crew in the left hand
column as well as information for the host in the right hand column. Use the provided A1 script
from the practice scripts for your show. Remember to update your hosts name in both columns.
You will then create 3:45 worth of original content to work into your version of the SCOOP cut-in.
Your show will remain named THE SCOOP. You will be provided a 1-minute break to be used
between the A –block stories and your B-Block sketch which includes a guest. Remember to have
someone read your scripts as you time to make sure your timing is accurate. You must include at
least one element of video during your A-Block. Your video clip must not exceed a ru
Your GRAPHICS should be sized 1920 x 1080. Save each graphic as a TIFF/TARGA file using
the SLUG from your rundown as the file name. This will allow your Clip Store operator to quickly
locate and order graphics according to your rundown. Each story should have Graphic that will fill
the virtual set monitor giving the viewer visual information that’s quick and easy to recognize.
Remember to use graphics that are 1920 x 1080 or larger before resizing them to keep the quality
high. Use graphics that allow for broadcast as part of their copyright use. Make a list of each
Graphic/OTS for your Clip Store operator. Attach each graphic to this assignment submission.
Your VIDEO clip should be edited for your script. The video must be at least 15 seconds in length
but should not exceed 45 seconds in length. It must fit the High Definition frame of 1920 x 1080.
Follow the guide provided to export your video in the proper format for the server. All video should
include audio. At the start of your video include a slate with the SLUG and the TRT (Total Run
Time) of your video. You must have this video on a USB drive for the TA to transfer to the Server.
Include a link in the submission window to the original video clip. REMEMBER to include a L3
(Lower Third) courtesy on the story script for your video that CHYRON will then key over your
video during the show. (Do NOT add L3s during the edit of your video)
The SKETCH will consist of your Host and a guest. The sketch should be an interview with a
comical twist. The use of props makes it fun and easier on your talent to be funny. Think about
props that might aid in your sketch. Remember no food or drinks are allowed in the studio. Timing
a run of your sketch with talent is helpful to make sure your calculated rundown time is correct.
The CHYRON list includes all of the lower third graphics that the Chyron will type for the show.
These graphics are different from the OTS graphics and should be on a separate list for the
Chyron Operator to use for production. Each person and video element needs a lower third
identifier. The Host should have a 2 Line L3, which includes their name on the top line and the
show name “THE SCOOP” on the bottom line. Use the 2 line L3 format for your guest during the
sketch include their name on the top line and their title on the bottom. Depending on where you
took your video from you will need either a 2 Line L3 or a 1 Line L3. Your Chyron list should
include information for the operator to know the story the graphic corresponds with such as the
Slug Line.
Submit the all of the scripts including the provided A1 script to Sakai using the following
labeling system:
SCRIPTS Label file: Your First Initial Last Name _ A#_Scoop
RUNDOWN Label file: Your First Initial Last Name _ RD_Scoop (rundown)
GRAPHICS Label file: Your First Initial Last Name _ (GRAPHIC)_Scoop (use the SLUG name)
VIDEO: Provide Link to Video (URL) in submission window
PROPS Label file: Your First Initial Last Name _ Prop_Scoop (Photo)