narcissistic mothers and children

You have some good ideas and please make sure you see my specific comments in your paper. I like the idea of looking at family relationships but it is not clear what you are exactly wanting to study and why it is new information. The information about NPD and mothers is well documented and you have not presented any information on what is needed and what the gaps in the research are. Please remember you need to clearly identify the issue, the rationale, the purpose, the terms, the gaps in current research and the supporting research to show the gaps. Please present a clear and specific research question that is measurable in proper format. Your research question is vague and does not match your proposed method. You cannot use a literature review as a method for research, we are not completing meta-analysis studies in this course. You must use peer reviewed articles and support all statements of fact. You have many statements of fact that are not supported. Place citations in APA format and introduce studies by authors last name and date. Do not use first names and initials. Please add a summary. I recommend that you meet with your tutor to review the expectation of the project before you resubmit. Please show the research findings to support your Chapter 1
Please present a clear RQ and describe what research problem led to the development of the RQ
Please clearly summarize current investigations and research and what is currently known
Please be clear with what information is needed in order to advance the knowledge base. You have only presented information that is already known and fully researched
Please explain the major themes that you will review in the literature review using the current research and show the research
Please provide a clear rationale for the section of the design and it must fit the study. Discuss how you will use the design and analyze the data
cite in APA format and make sure to cite all statements of fact. Add the template page for the abstract and add a brief summary for your section