Expansion of Mental Health or Substance Abuse Services Business Plan

Discussion: Expansion of Mental Health or Substance Abuse Services Business Plan

When adhering to guidelines set forth under legal mandates for health care reform, health care executives must weigh the opportunities and challenges of implementing new health service initiatives within the context of their health care organization. To what degree will new services be offered? What target population will be best served by expanded offerings? Are new staff members, pieces of equipment, or facilities required for expanding the types of health services being offered through the business development plan?

Questions such as these reflect just a fraction of the types of considerations health care executives need to keep in mind when developing and presenting to the board of directors a business plan for new health services in a health care organization.
For this Discussion, you will upload your business development plan (from your Weeks 6 Assignment) as a PowerPoint presentation for your colleagues to review. As you review each of your colleagues’ presentations, reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of the recommendations in their business plans.

By Day 3
Post a critique that assesses the strengths and weaknesses of at least two of the business plan development presentations you reviewed. Provide a recommendation on how each colleague might improve his or her business development plan for their health care organization. Be specific and provide examples.

By Day 5
Continue the Discussion and post how you would modify your business development plan based on the feedback from your Instructor and your colleagues.


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Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.
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Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.