Negotiation Plan & Slides

2 Part order: part 1 paper, part 2 slides. Slides can be completed a 1-2 days after paper. Create a negotiation plan/ paper for the below listed topic by addressing the specified bullet points below. Then create a couple slides for the specified points below, including presentation notes.

I am living with my parents to save money while in school. However, I will be graduating in the next year and deciding whether to rent or to buy a house. I am leaning toward the purchase of a home that needs a lot of renovations and flipping it. I would like to sell the house in two years. Considering this, I would need to get a very good deal on the initial purchase of the home as a lot of money would be spent on renovations. I would like the house to be located in Ada, MI or at least nearby as that is where I work.

Specific Points to address:
Defining the interests:
• What are your primary interests?
• What are the other’s primary interests?
Opposite negotiators: Who is the other party (or parties) in the negotiation? Ashley
• What information do we have about them?
• What issues will they have?
• What priorities are they likely to have for their issues?
• What are their interests?
• What has been my past relationship with them? What future relationship do I
need to have, or would I like to have with them?
• What is their reputation and style, and how should I take this into consideration?
Planning the issue presentation and defense: Ashley
• What research do I need to do on the issues so that I can argue for them
convincingly and compellingly?
• Do I have (or can I prepare) graphs, charts, and figures that will clearly communicate my preferences?
• In what order and sequence should I present the information?
• What arguments can I anticipate from the other party, and how am I going to
counteract their arguments?
• What tactics will I use to present my arguments or defend against the other’s arguments?
• What tactics will I use to try to move us toward agreement?
• What roles will different people play in the negotiation?