
compare and contrast the newspaper coverage of one event in the Middle East in an American newspaper and in an English-language paper from the Middle East. I would rather your choice of a Middle East paper NOT be an Israeli one (I am more interested in the comparisons and contrasts between US and Iraqi, Arab, Turk, or Iranian views here). Part of the comparison should include information about the history of the issue – as found in your texts and in the extra materials in this classroom, as well as using additional authoritative sources. Please make sure the sources used have links that will “work” if I were to try and access them. Other sources will not be allowed. I will make exceptions for hard-copy non-Western (i.e. Middle Eastern, North African) publications if you happen to have access to them. In such instances, however, please make a legible copy available to me by posting a scanned document along with your essay. Be sure to cite appropriately in your preferred format: APA, MLA or Chicago Style. Make sure your factual claims are supported in-text (through the citing format of your choice) in addition to a final reference list or bibliography. The submission should be a document attachment.