Scholarship Essay

I am from Iran and in some parts of my country women are not allowed to get educated because going to the University is so expensive. For example, I have always wanted to study Computer or Electrical Engineering, but they were very expensive majors in my country. My parents were not having enough money to send me to the University. I was lucky enough that my mom won the Green Card Lottery and after borrowing some money from my grandparents we moved to the United States. After moving to the United States, my mother is not working because her English in not really good, so she is a housewife. My father is working at the Wendy’s restaurant as a cashier and he is barely making enough money to just pay for expenses and rent. Therefore, my youngest sister and I have to work full time and go to school full time. Most of the times, my sister and I must help our parents with different bills or the rent. Finishing school is the most important goal of my life, but for reaching this goal I need some financial help which is my reason for applying for this Scholarship. I passed enough hours at San Antonio College with a GPA of 3.84 and I have been accepted and ready to transfer to the UTSA. I am double majoring in Computer and Electrical Engineering, and this Fall 2012 is my second semester at UTSA and my GPA is 3.65. All I need is to make sure that I can make my dreams come true without any added pressure to my parents.

My goal after graduating from two of my favorite majors, Electrical and Computer Engineering is to show women in my country that nothing is impossible and also to make my family proud of me. I want to be a good role model for my younger sister that nothing should stop her from getting educated and following her dreams. Sometimes life can be so challenging, but if we believe in ourselves we will be the winner of this challenge and be successful. Finishing my degree is my only hope that I can prove to Iranian’s leaders that women are capable of everything and anything. I hope that I will be the leader of Iranian young women to show them the amazing path of education and its effects on their future lives but hopefully not the last one. We should follow our dreams no matter what kind of obstacles we have in our way. There is always ways to help us to make our dreams come true.

My dream is like a very famous quote by Napoleon Hill, “Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right’. Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as well as you go along.”