Geology of northeastern New Jersey

You are assigned to write a term-paper on topic – Geology of northeastern New Jersey. The paper is basically a summary of understanding of literatures about the geology of the area. The paper should not exceed 4 pages. All pertinent figures, tables, references should be part of the 4 pages. The paper should be written in Times New Roman font with 11 font-size, with 1.5 line spacing and 1″ margin on both right and left sides. If you plan to submit the paper electronically, it has to be written either in Mac’s Pages or Microsoft’s Word. Piece of advice – do not wait until the last moment to write the paper. A carelessly written paper may not worth any points at all. WPU library is a good source of references. To grasp some ideas how the geology papers are written, skim through some papers from the “Geology” journals on any topics in the library. Our library carries Geology journals. Just a reminder that the term paper carries 10% towards your final. The paper is due on the day of the final exam, which is December 15th. Hardcopy deadline is during the period of the final exam and electronic submission deadline is 11:59 pm on the day of the final exam. I stop receiving any electronic submissions after midnight. After a sememster long geology, you should now understand some of the fundamental concepts of geological processes. So, i would say a couple of days of labor should bring out a decent term-paper. Also, don’t get caught plagiarising other’s content. Write in your own word. Basically, you are writing a story how the landscape of northeastern NJ area is formed, going back in 400-500 million years. You should emphasize, geologically, how each of these physiographic divisions is formed – in brief – from west to east. You should also talk about the tectonics of the area. Start from around the Cambrian time, about 550-600 my ago, when the westernmost physiographic division of NJ was formed as part of the convergence of proto-north american plate to an oceanic plate. The convergence continued for about next 300 million years, giving rise to two westernmost physiographic divisions of NJ. Around Permian time, roughly about 270 my ago, Pangea started to break. At that time the proto-North American plate started to rift from the mainland Pangea – a situation very similar to current East African Rift system. As a consequence, many of the proto-North American lands were down thrusted, forming current Ramapo fault system. Rifting process involved a lot of volcanic activities in the area, giving rise to the Watchung mountain systems. There are three Watchung mountain systems formed during that time. WPU is located on the piedmont of second Watchung mountain. Continued erosion and ice covering for next several hundred million years brings the topography that we see today. You need to elaborate these summarized story in your own understanding. You can also shed lights on other aspects too, like, economic resources, water systems, natural hazards, etc.