Describe a problem, possibly related to your area of study, which you would like to solve. Explain its importance to you and what actions you would take to solve this issue. (300 words max)

This is for University of Georgia supplement essay
This essay might be an especially good choice if you already know what you want to study. The “problem” does not have to be a particularly large problem like “all of climate change” or “world poverty.” Anyone can talk about those general problems. You will probably be better served by focusing on a specific problem that you have some kind of personal connection to.

For example, maybe you live in a region where increased rainfall in recent years has caused unexpected flooding that was not accounted for in old flood-insurance maps. Maybe you lost a family photo album, or maybe your neighbors had difficulty getting insurance companies to cover the damages. After telling the admissions committee about this problem and your personal connection to it, you can say that you plan to study economics and atmospheric science in order to learn how our society can respond to changing weather patterns.

Though the essay prompt asks what actions you would take to “solve” the problem, you should be aware that complex problems do not have solutions that can be explained in 300 words. You would do better to talk about how you will use your studies at UGA to start tackling the issue from multiple angles.

In our flood insurance example, you might mention that you are especially excited to check out the university’s new major in Atmospheric Sciences in order to better understand how climate change is affecting local weather patterns. You might also mention that you are interested in attending talks at UGA’s institute for Climate and Society that gathers thinkers from a wide variety of disciplines to discuss complex issues. Referring to specific programs at the school can let the University of Georgia know that you really are interested in attending.