
Instructions for the Article

  1. 1. What is the key hypothesis tested in this paper?
  2. For each figure in the article, please answer the following questions.
  3. What is the purpose of the experiment in Figure?
  4. How did they do it? What were they measuring?
  5. Describe the control(s). Why was this useful?
  6. What results did they see?
  7. What is the conclusion?
  8. Overall, what is the significance of the findings in this paper? Why are these findings



Please be concise and also REMEMBER to explain all the Figures following the steps on question 2.

Ayres, J. S., & Schneider, D. S. (2012). Tolerance of infections. Annual review of immunology, 30, 271-294.

  1. The hypothesis of the paper was pathogen tolerance play an important part in understanding of disease and infections treatment and vaccinations.
  2. 2. Figure 1: Resistance and Tolerance graphical definition
  3. The purpose of the experiment was to determine the relationship between microbe load, resistance and tolerance.
  4. Data was collected for patients who had microbe infections after getting sick and recovering. The microbe load and health of the individual were determined and then plotted on a two-dimension graph. The study was measuring tolerance.
  5. The control of the experiment was healthy status at zero parasite loads, Vogor.
  6. There is a relationship between microbe load, resistance and tolerance.
  7. Tolerance can be measured through use of adequate data

Figure 2: Immunological mechanism

  1. Measuring tolerance based on different elicitors.
  2. It was done through activation of TLR4 using different microbes. Deferent tolerance and resistance of immune response
  3. Alkaline phosphatase was useful in determining the effect of LPS in immune response
  4. TLR4 leads to activation of pathology and prevention of bacteria from infection, tolerance and loss result in defects in resistance
  5. TRL4 play major role in tolerance and resistance

Figure 3: microbe space and health

  1. Measuring individual resistance and tolerance based on health properties.
  2. The study started with a healthy sample and changes in properties monitored with respect to resistance and tolerance.
  3. The control of the healthy sample at the initial position before experiencing resistance or tolerance
  4. Changes in host environment results to changes in health thus is reflected by increase or decrease in either resistance or tolerance
  5. Changes in health has effect on resistance and tolerance of the host

Figure 4: Tolerance classes

  1. Explain various tolerance classes
  2. Through analogous explanations
  3. Different types of tolerance
  4. There are different types of tolerance depending the immune response of the host
  5. Immune response is important in development of resistance and tolerance
  6. Conclusion

Tolerance and resistance play important role in understanding treatment of various microbes. Tolerance and resistance depends on elicitor, health status, microbe space, and immune response.