how to balance USA national budget

Paper Five Research Paper: Argumentative Synthesis This final paper is a type of research paper called an argumentative synthesis. You are asked to identify a problem of regional, national, or global importance, discuss proposed solutions in published sources, and develop and propose your own solution. The solution you propose may be similar to one or more of the solutions proposed by your sources, may combine aspects of the ideas proposed by your sources, or may be entirely your own. Your task is to (a) give the reader a clear overview of the problem, (b) accurately represent the views of your sources, (c) discuss their strengths and weaknesses, and (d) make a case for our own proposed solution. For your annotated bibliography, every 5 of the articles you use must propose solutions to the problem you select. 2 may simply provide data on the topic in a neutral manner. For this annotated bibliography assignment, please do the following: 1. Write a one- to- two sentence introduction that explains your topic and lets the reader know you’ll be presenting a bibliography of sources for your research paper. 2. Research and find a minimum of seven published articles that propose solutions for your topic. 3. List those sources according to MLA style. 4. Under each MLA style listing, write one paragraph of roughly 200 words in which you summarize and evaluate your source. Your paragraph must include a summary of the solution proposed by the source AND your assessment of the potential effectiveness of the author’s proposed solution. The second element is key. The reader should know exactly what you think of the solution put forth in the text, how useful you think it might be, and why you think it might or might not work. You are not critiquing the writing in the article, but rather you are determining whether the solution proposed sounds like a good one, or not, to you. 5. The articles you choose must come from a minimum of TWO scholarly journals and may come from a maximum of THREE highly respected publications of national scope such as Time, Newsweek, The Nation, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, etc Structure your paper in the following way: * Provide an introduction to the topic you plan to address. In this introduction, establish the nature and ramifications of your topic using stats and argumentation. * Compare, contrast, and evaluate/critique your sources throughout your paper. Be sure to cite each source according to MLA style. * Propose your own solution to the problem, offering evidence and reasoning to convince the reader that your way is the most effective and advantageous way. * Finally, include a Works Cited page that adheres to MLA style. . Go Class. Engage your voice and influence to push for a solution. Join the academic conversation with confidence as you write to make a difference. I will be grading for thoughtful and inspiring content with attention paid to individual progress concerning grammar issues.