Acculturation Interview Essay

You will be submitting an 8-10 page paper, following the APA Style Guidelines, in which you analyze the existing literature on acculturation and global mobility. You will consider the themes that your interview subject outlined in his/her discussion. It is important for you to create a strong thesis about the acculturation experience that the individual articulated as well as your response to the story. You might want to consider the following questions, among others that you develop, in generating your thesis:
What acculturation philosophy did the individual articulate? How does that philosophy relate to the readings that you have done throughout the class? What are the connections? What are some of the disjunctions between lived experience and theory?
What systems and support did the individual set up in order to achieve within this resettlement process? What were the props that this individual used? What type of psychological self-care did this person rely on? What type of external (family, organizations, school, friends, therapists) did this person have?
What feelings of loss and gain did the person articulate?
Based on your own experience and the readings, how did you respond to this particular individual story? How did hearing this story help you in considering your own acculturation philosophy? What have you learned that you can apply in some of your future encounters?
What themes emerged from the interview? What did you learn about the process of interviewing? What insights did you gain about acculturation processes and what challenges might you encounter as an international psychologist?