A Raisin in the Sun

Discuss the issue of race and/or class status in “A Raisin in the Sun”, by Lorraine Hansberry. Include discussions of the historical context: de facto segregation, lack of civil rights, the emerging civil rights movement, linking back to the novel. Sources like Wikipedia will not be accepted

“A Raisin in the Sun” is a play written by Lorrain Hansberry in the 1950s that focused on a lower class black family who are struggling to gain middle class acceptance in the society.  Lorrain Hansberry was an American playwright and writer; her personal experience inspired the writing of this play. The play centers on a family that faces racism, classism and oppression of the African Americans by the Caucasians back in the early days. Since its discovery, racism has been a major factor affecting the United States. Racism can be The belief that some races are inherently superior (physically, intellectually, or culturally) to others and therefore have a right to dominate them. In the United States, racism, particularly by whites against blacks, has created profound racial tension and conflict in virtually all aspects of American society.