Driving experiment proposal

APA format (20 points)


Abstract (10 points)

A brief introduction of your proposal.


Research problem (20 points)

Discuss the problem your research will attempt to address.


Research question(s) (10 points)

Discuss the specific question(s) your research will attempt to address.


Specific aims (10 points)

State the goal of the study.


Hypothesis (10 points)

What you expect to find.

(Alternate or Research hypothesis)


Background (20 points)

The introduction of your research paper.

History of the topic.

At least 7 references.


Significance (20 points)

State the reasons why this research should be done.

(ie Why is it important to answer the questions addressed in your proposal)


Theoretical or Conceptual Framework (20 points)

The mechanisms underlying the phenomena you are studying.


Research Methodology

Methodology (20 points)

The design of your study.

(ie. Basic Between-Subjects Design, Between-Subjects Factorial Design, Within-Subjects Design)

Sample Population (10 points)

Were will you get your sample.

Sample Size (5 points)

The number of people in your sample.

State that you used power analysis to determine this number.

Sampling Techniques (10 points)

What sampling method did you use?

(Must use a probability sampling technique)

Sample inclusion characteristics (5 points)

Given the population that you are sampling from, who will be included.

Sample exclusion characteristics (5 points)

Given the population that you are sampling from, who will be excluded from your sample.

Data collection (10 points)

How the data will be collected.

Data analysis (20 points)

What statistical test will be used to analyze your data.