What was the reason for the Iranian Tobacco protest in 1891? Who made the decree to protest? What were the Iranian people protesting?

Please access following textbooks.
1- A History of the Modern Middle East. Westview Press, 2009. By William L. Cleveland and Martin Bunton.
2- Your answer must be a 150 words long minimum.
3- The answer must be from our textbooks only. Any citation from the internet will earn a zero.

From your textbook, A History of the Modern Middle East Historical Background and Early Modern Empires: The Middle East Prior to 1453; Cleveland & Bunton,

Q2- From A History of the Modern Middle East The Beginning of the Era of Transformation: The Ottoman Empire and Egypt, 1774-1876. Cleveland & Bunton, chapter 4, pp. 53-75(this is an estimate of page#s in ch-4). Explain the Ottoman unique slave System. “The Ottoman Slave Elite,” in chapter 3 titled “The Ottoman and Safavid Empires.”

Q3-What did the Tanizmat focus on? State 3 reforms made by the Tanzimat. Name the Ottoman Sultan who made the tanzimat?

Q-4. What was the reason for the Iranian Tobacco protest in 1891? Who made the decree to protest? What were the Iranian people protesting?

Q 5. From Cleveland & Bunton, Cleveland claims that despite the outward display of anti-Westernism and traditional religiosity, the first decade of the Ottoman Sultan Abd al-Hamid’s reign witnessed an acceleration of certain Tanzimat [reforms] programs,” Explain these reforms.

Q. 6. State three provisions from the Iranian Constitutional Revolution? 0

Question 7: From Cleveland & Bunton, chapter 9: Titled: “World War I and the End of the Ottoman Order.”
According to Cleveland and Bunton, Britain and France made pledges and counter-pledges in plans to partition the Ottoman Empire. How did France and Britain partition the Middle East, according to the secret treaty Sykes-Picot of 1916—considering Greater Syria and Iraq?

Question 8: Chapter 10 Title: “Authoritarian Reform in Turkey and Iran.”
Q. 8) Name five reforms Ushered by Kemal Ataturk? This should include reforms of the language and religious reforms. Make sure you use our textbook.

From Chapter 13 titled, “The Palestine Mandate and the Birth of the State of Israel.”
Q.11) According to Cleveland and Bunton, “The territory that composed the British mandate for Palestine was only slightly larger than the state of Massachusetts. Yet, the repercussions of developments in and attitudes toward this small piece of southern Syria have reverberated throughout the Middle East and the world at large.” Explain this statement.

From Chapter 13 titled, “The Palestine Mandate and the Birth of the State of Israel.” from the section “The Balfour Declaration,” answer the following question.
Q. 12) State the Balfour Declaration that was written by the British foreign secretary, Arthur Balfour? Was the declaration clear?

Q. 14) Chapter 13 from the section titled, “Muhammad Mosaddaq and the Oil Nationalization Crisis, 1951-1953,”
A- What did the Iranian politician Muhammad Mosaddaq do in 19531 to upset the British and the U.S., government?
B- What was the reaction of the British and U.S government?

Q. 14) Chapter 15 titled, “The Middle East in the Age of Nasser: The Egyptian Base.”
On July 26, 1956, the president of Egypt Gamal Abd al-Nasser (Nasser) nationalized the Suez Canal.
a- What was the reason for Nasser’s actions?
b- What was the reaction of some of the countries, the U. S, the Soviet Union, Britain, France, and Israel?

Q. 15. From your textbook, chapter 26: titled, “The 2011 Arab Uprising and their Aftermath,” what was the spark which started the so-called “Arab Spring”? In the section “Understanding the Uprisings’ Dynamics,” the authors admit that the West has misunderstood the uprising by naming it Arab Spring? Explain how?