
Your Task “[…] asset prices such as stock prices always incorporate the best information about fundamental values and that prices change only because of good, sensible information […]” (Shiller, 2003, page 83). Describe a theoretical framework of classifying market efficiency and assess to what extent the above quote is relevant in terms of explaining the pricing of securities on the financial markets. Further Notes – You should make intensive use of the course text AND peer-reviewed academic source materials such as academic journals. This is a research project. – Use exhibits and appendices to provide succinct, relevant and clear information. Focus on the critical and most important issues. Assessment Criteria The value of your work will be assessed on the demonstration of critical understanding of relevant theories and their application within the wider practical world. The specific assessment criteria are: – Demonstration of competence, critical understanding and practical application – Demonstration of identification, evaluation and interpretation of appropriate techniques – Ability to analyse a range of complex scenarios and data for decision making – Ability to determine and evaluate appropriate planning methods and techniques – Evidence of relevant background research, supported by examples, citation and a bibliography in Harvard format