How does the modern metropolis affect what Simmel calls “mental life?” Elements you could include in your discussion:-Organization of time-space in the Modern (capitalist) city (Harvey, Foucault, Modern Times, Metropolis)-Effect on social relations; class (Harvey)-Effect on human psychology (Simmel, Soja, Fischer, Vidler, Stallybrass and White)-Preoccupation with the correct “reading” of the city, Order/Disorder (Fisher, Brooks, Stallybrass and White)-Physiognomy-The disciplining gaze (Foucault, Stallybrass)-The “gaze” of the flaneur (Benjamin; Brooks)-Self as actor (Fisher, Bowlby)-Consumption (Bowlby); commodity Utopia (Benjamin)

ASSIGNMENT:Write a 5-6 page essay on the theme of your choice, using the suggested or other articles and your class notes as your reference. A good essay will pull together thoughts and insights from a variety of readings synthetically, and use examples from class discussion or film viewings, rather than merely listing the arguments of two or three authors. Where you can, you can also insert appropriate quotes from the articles. Your own insights or commentaries are also appreciated.Whenever appropriate you can refer to film viewings, poems or paintings we discussed in class, or insert your own examples.You need to include a bibliography and cite references (including page numbers) in your text even if you do not quote directly but take some ideas from an author.

3) City and Mental Life
How does the modern metropolis affect what Simmel calls “mental life?”
Elements you could include in your discussion:-Organization of time-space in the Modern (capitalist) city (Harvey, Foucault, Modern Times, Metropolis)-Effect on social relations; class (Harvey)-Effect on human psychology (Simmel, Soja, Fischer, Vidler, Stallybrass and White)-Preoccupation with the correct “reading” of the city, Order/Disorder (Fisher, Brooks, Stallybrass and White)-Physiognomy-The disciplining gaze (Foucault, Stallybrass)-The “gaze” of the flaneur (Benjamin; Brooks)-Self as actor (Fisher, Bowlby)-Consumption (Bowlby); commodity Utopia (Benjamin)