Assignment: Individual Learning Review : ” Review a recent challenging incident from your own experience”

Your task is to select 2 skills from an incident in your work experience or experience outside work; to describe how you confronted and handled the situation; to reflect on this event; to analyse and assess the effectiveness of the managerial skills in terms of the concepts you have covered in the course; and to consider ways of acting more effectively in the future. It is advisable that you consider 2 specific managerial skills that you have studied in this course that need improvement. The following are examples of possible managerial incidents (these are only examples) miscommunication between you and a colleague poor delegation of work load for your team members inability to identify the problems or issues in an incident managed individual differences poorly inability to provide clear change strategies for other team members inability to apply cross-cultural concepts to manage others Write in essay style, using 4 main headings using Kolb‘s Experiential Learning Cycle: 1. Introduction (Concrete Experience) (approx. 100 words) Provide a brief description of the specific incident. Don‘t get too lost in the detail of the event. What happened? How did you feel? What were the causes and consequences? It is essential that you clarify the 2 skills (chosen from the first 5 topics) you will be addressing by the end of the introduction. 2. Reflective Observation (approx. 400 words) Reflect on the event and observe the experience from many different perspectives, using the skills assessment results (i.e. MBTI, PAMS, Learning style, or/and Values). 3. Abstract Conceptualisation. Create concepts that integrate your observations into logically sound theories. (approx. 500 words) Show that you have read and understood the relevant concepts. Discuss the insights you obtained from using the concepts to understand the event and the implications for being more effective in the future. 4. Active Experimentation – Your Improvement Plan (approx. 500 words) In this section you need to demonstrate that you are able to use these theories to make decisions and solve problems. Outline the plans and actions that you could adopt to manage the situation more effectively in the future. Discuss the obstacles and resources that are likely to occur (e.g. lack of time, lack of resources for training, lack of confidence etc.) and how can they be overcome. Provide a time frame to improve the gap in the skill/skills. Provide a minimum of 10 references to show that you have read widely and understood the concepts and skills used. **Please Use Harvard Referencing ** Incident can occur at workplace or group or family.