Abortion should be legal

Every good second essay in this class must represent an improvement from the first essay. If you are writing on the same topic as your first essay you must argue for the opposite position that you argued for in that essay. You are not required to write on the same topic; you can write on anything you want as long as you can write an argumentative paper that does at least these things:

  1. Explicitly state in the first paragraph the main claim of the paper.
  2. Clearly state the reasons given in support of that claim (the premises).
  3. Explain and defend each premise.
  4. Explain at least two objections to your argument.
  5. Explain why you think each of these objections fails to refute your argument.



  • 6-8 pages, double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman, one inch margins, left alignment, before/after spacing 0, header with your last name and page number (except the first page). The essay should have its own title, not italicized or underlined or bolded or in quotation marks, nouns capitalized, center alignment.


Issue and Thesis Development

  • Does the intro paragraph have a clear and explicit statement of the paper’s main claim (thesis statement, the central point you are arguing for)?
  • How well does the first paragraph introduce your topic?
  • Have you included and defined key terms and concepts?
  • Does your paper give a thorough presentation of the relevant supporting evidence?



  • Is your paper clearly divided into arguments, objections, and replies to objections?
  • Does each section and/or paragraph stick to one main issue?
  • Are the ideas in your paper logically ordered?
  • Is the reader able to effortlessly follow your line of thought?
  • Is the structure of your main argument clearly presented?
  • Is your paper free of excessive unnecessary material (fluff)?



  • How strong are your arguments in support of your thesis?
  • Are your premises explained clearly and defended well?
  • Is your argument free of common fallacies or other erroneous types of reasoning?
  • Are your points insightful, original, and demonstrative of a solid understanding of the issue?


Objections and Replies

  • Do you present the opposing viewpoint fairly and fully?
  • Do you present a strong or common objection (not a trivial or easily dismissed one)?
  • How well do you respond to objections?
  • Do you show how your view on the issue is better than competing views?


Writing and Mechanics

  • Is your writing clear and precise (terms clearly defined and explained, no ambiguities, no ‘guessing’ required of the reader, etc.)?
  • Do you maintain good grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc.?
  • Are quotes and outside sources (if there are any) properly cited?
  • Have you followed directions for format and submission?