According to Bowlby’s attachment theory, how could such a family separation affect children in the short run?

read through the following (based on current events) and try to answer the questions following by applying principles that we have discussed in class or are from our course readings. This is a critical thinking exercise where there is not necessarily 1 “correct” answer for each of the questions. Rather, this assignment will be graded on effort and thoughtfulness. That being said, I would like you to integrate each of the following concepts of attachment theory into your answers for questions 1-5 (responsive caregiving, internal working model, attachment system, distress, secure base, sensitive period).
Your responses do not have to be long. Just a couple of sentences about each question should suffice.
In May, 2018, the US government declared a “Zero Tolerance Policy” (for reference: regarding immigrants to the US crossing the border without legal status. As a result of this policy, many families were separated, with children as young as infants (and ranging through adolescence) being taken from their caregivers and placed in temporary facilities while caregivers were detained. In many instances, children were transported to facilities in other geographic locations to be cared for. During this process, errors and oversights in record keeping made it difficult for the government to keep track of separated family members, and in many cases, it has taken a prolonged period of time for families to be reunited.

1. According to Bowlby’s attachment theory, how could such a family separation affect children in the short run?

2. How might parents be affected by the separation to their child?

3. What could the long-term consequences of this scenario be for children? Why?

4. What factors (if any) may ameliorate the consequences of separation for children?

5. How might age of the child when removed from caregiving impact consequences?

6. At what level(s) of Bronfenbrenner’s bio-ecological model does this policy impose risks to children?