Accounting – Govern/Not-for-Profit

The purpose of this assignment is to encourage and allow critical engagement with recent topics in the field of Not-for-Profit and Government Accounting and how these structures play out in our current environment. Reading this article involves carefully determining the audience, identifying the argument and understanding the significance (making links to larger ideas, trends, and events). Thought papers are intended to give you space to think—to consider how this piece contributes to our understanding of Not-for-Profit and Government Accounting. Thought papers must be typed (single-spaced, 12pt Times New Roman font, 0.5” margins, maximum 2 pages), and turned in via D2L on the day due by 8pm. Be ready to discuss your findings during class. Due dates for thought papers are clearly marked on the syllabus. NO LATE WORK. 1. What is the purpose of this article? Why is the article written? (Min 5 sentences) 2. Why is this topic important? Who is affected by this information? (Min 5 sentences) 3. What is the problem/s described in the article? Does the author address possible solutions? If so, explain. (Min 5 sentences) 4. What are the incentives of the discussed parties? (Min 5 sentences) 5. How does this article fit into ACCT 4600 (Govern/Not-for-Profit)? What do you conclude or take away from this article? (Min 5 sentences)