Adults vs Children: Emotional Processing & Coping Methods

“Adults vs Children: Emotional Processing & Coping Methods”

****The goal is to see how different mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, etc. affect children and adults with both their cognitive and emotional processing and their coping mechanisms; if they have similar or different ways of coping in a 15-22 page research paper.****
(Attached are the references that will be used for this paper, the paper instructions, the outline and a sample paper.) Please use the references attached, do not add any more than what is given unless you think it would be best to. No plagiarism. Please be sure to cite correctly. Be sure the paper is properly written, makes sense, sticks to the goal and is full of information.
Please do not disappoint, this entire paper is worth my entire grade and I am paying a big amount for it. Thank you!