
Agency includes a creditable, fiduciary or trustee relationships that exist between two persons or parties whereby one of the parties, the agent, is duly obligated to and controlled by the other party, the principal. The agent is generally under the authority of the principal in the performance of specific tasks, for and on behalf of the principal. However, the agent’s acts that are performed in doing the duties entrusted on them by the principal and with the scope of the authority of the agent, bind the principal. This paper aims to illustrate the concept of agency using two different groups of people during the early Europe colonial in America (Bonyhady, 2003).

Basically, ordinary people change the fundamentals of societal structures in their day to day lives. Drawing from the early Europe colonial in America, the United States of America is significantly a product-blend of two major forces; European people  immigration with their various customs, ideas, and nationalities, and the definitive impact of a very new nation which much modified and changed the distinctive European traits. The varied traits and nationalities inevitably brought about changes with the principal natives embracing g the ways of the immigrants. The result was significant changes in social patterns, which really resembled the European society in some ways, but had some distinct American traits (Bonyhady, 2003).

There ensued an agency kind of relationship between the American immigrants and the European colonials. As immigrants went into America, they carried themselves with their culture and traits, which ended up blending with the European cultures and traits too. The changes were mutual as European adopted some traits of the immigrants and vice versa. Carrying on with life ordinarily, there were gradual changes in the fundamental societal structures with consequent traits blending and changing the European society greatly.  At the end of it all even to present, Europe became more American rather than English (Bonyhady, 2003).


Bonyhady, T.  (2003). The Colonial Earth, Melbourne Univ. Publishing.