AIDS, Condoms, and Carnival

AIDS, Condoms, and Carnival


Paper Format


  1. Start with a 1-page summary of the case.
  2. Research the topic (do searches on key issues raised in the case) and complete your report.
  3. Your total report (including the summary of the case) should be 5-6 pages long.
  4. You are expected to read and cite at least two scholarly journal articles in your report. If you have more than two, that is even better. You can use non-scholarly articles after you have met the two scholarly article requirements.
  5. Write well planned short paper. Do not write one big essay. You should work in sections (such as case summary, origin of AIDS, AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa, AIDS medication and pharmaceutical firms, prevention measures in selected countries, the role played by International agencies, ….., conclusions, etc.).
  6. Remember newspapers or many popular journals do not count as scholarly sources. For example, articles from any newspaper (including Wall Street journal), Fortune, Business Week, Time, Newsweek, etc. will not count as scholarly articles. If you are not sure, use the following test:
  1. Go to Business Source Premier Database available at the library site.
  2. Check the “Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals” box.
  3. Do a search. Whatever is listed will be accepted as a scholarly journal article.
  4. If you have found an article elsewhere (Google, Business index, etc.), make sure that it passes this test. If you can not find an article in Business Premier with the appropriate box checked, it will not be accepted as a scholarly article.
  1. The following list of questions is provided to you to guide you in your research. You are not expected to respond to every one of them. You might want to choose the ones that are important for your 5-6 page essays. Of course, you could come up with questions of your own as you do the research. You can introduce them as you participate in the discussion and/or as you write your report.


  1. Provide some background about the AIDS epidemic. When did it start? Which countries/regions are affected by it most? Provide some statistical data.


  1. What is the annual cost of AIDS medication in the United States? Could the poorer countries afford it? What are their options?


  1. Comment on the Brazilian and Indian governments’ strategies for the prevention of AIDS via the marketing of condoms.


  1. How is the AIDS problem different in the United States compared with Brazil and India?


  1. Would the approaches described in Brazil and India work in the United States? Why or why not?


  1. Suggest additional ways that London International Group could promote the prevention of AIDS through the use of condoms worldwide.


  1. Do you think it would be good idea for Coke and Pepsi to participate in a condom distribution program in India, Brazil, and the United States?


  1. Could AIDS education at schools be effective in developing countries? Do you foresee any objections to such education? Why or why not?