The americanization of benjamin franklin

Answer The following questions from the book:
1. How did Benjamin Franklin become a gentleman? Be specific. How did this change his life? Be specific.

Writing the paper:
In the upper left hand corner, include your name, class time, and date. This should be single spaced.
.Include a title, centered on the page. (DO NOT include a title page)
Use 12 point font, left alignment for the main body of your text. The body should be double-spaced.
. You MUST include an introduction, no more than one page, and a thesis statement. Here, you want to introduce the topic, you can use information from the book . DO NOT USE NON-ACADEMIC SOURCES. This means no Wikipedia or similar websites. You MUST cite your work from the Book
. You MUST include a conclusion.
Your paper must be at least 5 full pages.
Use quotations sparingly, you should have no more than 4 in your paper. Each quotation MUST be cited.
Even if you do not use quotations, you MUST CITE YOUR WORK. At the very LEAST one citation per paragraph. You can use either MLA style.
You MUST have a Works Cited page.