Question One

Question One (a)

AMP can be classified among the crop of Australian companies in terms of promoting design and having design awareness within the company. Internal client expectations are established periodically in AMP and this is made a priority in coming up with designs for the company; which must be according to the needs of the clients (Gemser, 2013). This is a great show of design consciousness with the company. Clients are also allowed by the company to make requests to the company so that the company can deliver as per their requests.

In keeping design consciousness, AMP sets standards and guidelines that must be adhered to in delivering requests for designs. All these are in accordance with the objectives that AMP has set for itself as a business (Kumar, 2008). This ensures that the business is forever design conscious and explains when it is ahead of other Australian companies and companies of the world when it comes to design.

There is stress on the various markets that AMP is trying to reach. These are both markets within the Australian borders and those outside the borders of Australia (Kumar, 2008). The designs for AMP are thus carried out based on what is acceptable to respective markets and thus they are readily acceptable. Making design dependent on the market is a show of design consciousness as the market is a fast evolving world and keeping track of the evolution is being conscious with designs.

The number of campaigns and events sponsored by AMP in promotion of designs and getting to the market shows just how design conscious AMP is. These campaigns and events helps convince the market of what AMP is trying to do and thus the company has been more acceptable to its consumer base, both nationally and internationally (Kumar, 2008).

Question 1(b)

A design strategy plan to boost on the design consciousness already existent in AMP can be provided to cover over a five year period. The first step in this is setting strategic objectives for the strategic plan over the proposed design strategy over the five year period of time (Walsh & Potter, 2012). This helps connecting what is envisioned in the design strategy with the company’s mission. The objectives should always be for the long term and in this case run over five years just as the design strategy to be adopted should be.

As already established, design consciousness of AMP is largely dependent on the market. For the strategy, the available market opportunities should be assed based on the strength within the organization. This will guide the organizations step by step until the ultimate results of the strategy are realised after the five year period (Walsh & Potter, 2012). With this, the strategy can be modelled according to customers’ responses to the strategy, whether they rate is as adding value to them or not and also as to whether such a strategy builds on the reputation of AMP as a company.

In as much as an effective design strategy in this case is planned for a five year, period, eventual results for the strategy must be realised according to the short term benefits realised in the course of rolling out the project. To ascertain this, short term goals can be set. This can then be used to determine the courses of action for the planned strategy (Kumar, 2008). This can also allow for the re-evaluation of the strategy incase everything with it may have to be destined for failure.

Lastly, there needs to be a scorecard for the strategy to be adopted. This should last over the five period of time that the strategy is intended to last and thus adjustments can be made to ensure the strategy is a success.

Question Two

Question Two (a)

There are various criteria that can be used to determine whether a design approach adopted by a company is effective or can prove to be effective. Possible criteria can involve finding out whether a synthesis of data relevant and of meaning to the strategy were considered beforehand. If this is ascertained, then there is need to establish whether prioritization took place after synthesis. Prioritization is made according to the goals a company sets out to achieve (Flynn, 2015). This criterion helps establishing whether at any stage in the execution of the strategy conflict may arise among the measures adopted for the strategy. The next stage in the criteria would then involve establishing the type of consciousness that exists as between personnel working on the strategy and the strategy. This helps in establishing sync and in case the same lacks, the same can be put into the strategy to ensure that sync as between every stakeholder in with regards to the strategy exists.


Question Two 2(b)

A best suited criteria for evaluating Roberto Verganti’s design driven innovation is quite similar to the one already discussed in part (a) of the question as above. The best criteria can commence from the synthesis of data leading to the conceptualization of a strategy. This helps in establishing the root cause of the need for design driven innovation in such form of a strategy. From this point, the criteria moves into evaluating the goals set for such a strategy, aiming at establishing the drive for the adoption of such a thought leading to the incorporation of the strategy (Kumar, 2008). Just like previously, the involvement of stakeholders especially the employees of a company has to be established as part of a criterion of evaluating Roberto Verganti’s design driven innovation. Following such as criteria establishes credibility in a method used for designing new products and services in line of Roberto Verganti’s design driven innovation.

On the principles applicable to Roberto Verganti’s design driven innovation suppose it was adopted by AMP, the principle of collaboration between stakeholders should be considered for this case. All stakeholders need be involved in the project to ensure that it achieves desired objectives and thus there is the need for an all-inclusive approach; especially as regards to the employees. There should also be considered variations in general processes in every undertaking and this should be a principle that such variations are all events that should all be treated in the same way (Kumar, 2008). In this manner, all events will be accommodated and mitigation will be made of all uncommon occurrences in the implementations of new designs for upcoming products and services for companies.Following the outlined criteria and adherence to the discussed principles would ensure that what is outlined by Roberto Verganti is perfectly put into practice.

Question 3

Question 3

According to Herbert, every organization tries to come up with products and services which changes the current situations into the ones preferred. In order for AMP Company to come up with the products and services which serves the preferred human conditions in the market, it must embrace the design principles which include: culture, competencies, connected systems and control. It is the responsibility of the AMP Company to train its workforce so that it can design products and services with emotional connections and which establishes keen interests on the customers’ insecurities, pressures and struggles.