Analyse the information from the strategic plan to determine what, if any, impact it will have on HR requirements. Prepare a memo to send to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the transport company in which you set out your findings and/or request further information.

Activity 1

  • You are the new HR manager of a national transport company. The transport company has recently updated its five-year strategic plan.

After reviewing the new strategic plan, you obtain this information:

  • the organisation owns a fleet of trucks, cars, ships and planes which it uses to transport goods including food, grocery items and mail throughout Australia
  • the organisation plans to move into the Pacific and Asia region within three years; once this occurs, it will be expected that goods will be transported within and between all countries
  • currently, most customers telephone the organisation to request its services
  • if customers want an update on where their goods are, employees in the administration department review paperwork and make telephone calls to those responsible for transporting the goods
  • customers of the organisation are becoming more reliant on technology; within three years, the organisation plans to offer an online service for booking and tracking goods to be transported
  • the community is becoming more concerned with safety, and the organisation is hoping to use its safety record as a competitive advantage
  • the lease on the organisation’s main business premises used for administration in the centre of Sydney is soon to expire, and the organisation will be moving its headquarters to Adelaide, where rent is cheaper
  • findings from a recent survey indicate that those customers who deal with long-term employees are more satisfied; the organisation plans to reduce employee turnover by 10% each year of the strategic plan’s operation

Analyse the information from the strategic plan to determine what, if any, impact it will have on HR requirements. Prepare a memo to send to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the transport company in which you set out your findings and/or request further information. (200–words)

  • Activity 4

Your organisation understands the need for a diverse workforce. It also understands that those organisations who are serious about achieving diversity will have a diversity policy in place. They have asked you to write that policy. You can model your response on diversity policies that can be found online; however, the policy should be your own. (2 pages) Activity 5

You are the HR manager of an organisation, which provides a data management service. You work in Melbourne. Your organisation has been retained to review and index 600,000 documents on behalf of a client. The documents are currently stored in a Perth warehouse. They cannot be moved. Your organisation will need to employ 30 staff to complete the work within the required three-month time frame.

You need to consider options for the delivery of human resources services relating to this project.

Options include:

  • You (the very busy HR manager) flying to Perth for the length of the project. Once there, you will obtain assistance from two junior HR employees to deliver appropriate HR products and services.
  • Retaining a Perth-based external human resources agency to deliver the HR services, which will be required.
  • Assigning a manager from the Perth office to deliver the human resources services. The manager has no HR qualifications or experience, but is well liked and very knowledgeable about the process, which will be used to review, scan and index the documents.


  1. What are the HR services and products that need to be delivered? (40 words)
  2. You have decided to analyse the options in terms of risk and to weigh up the costs and benefits of the options. Prepare a formal memo you could provide to the board of directors of your organisation to set out the risks, costs (in general terms) and benefits involved with each delivery option. (300 words)
  3. You are the new office manager of an accounting firm. The firm operates in your state/ territory. It is owned by 10 partners. They employ 45 accountants. Another 65 employees are employed to undertake administrative tasks.

The accounting firm retains an external provider to provide HR services. The contract is due to expire.

You have been asked to undertake a review of HR services to determine whether it would be appropriate to:

  1. Continue utilising the services of the external provider.
  2. Employ a manager and four people with HR expertise to provide HR services internally.
  3. Retrain six current administrative employees without HR expertise to provide HR services internally under the supervision of a partner of the accounting firm with an interest in HR.

Prepare a detailed checklist of legal requirements that HR providers would need to take into account when providing HR services. The checklist should provide details of the actual obligations and details of specific Commonwealth and state/ territory legislation. There is no need to complete the checklist. (1 page)


  1. Which option do you think would be least likely to allow the organisation to comply with its legal obligations? Why? (50–words)


  1. State which option you think would be most likely to deliver a service, which complies with organisational policies. Explain. (50 words)
  • Activity 6

You are the HR manager of a large local council (Shire). The council has adequate funding for HR services delivered by a dedicated HR department.


Your organisation’s strategic and operational plans call for the council’s organisational structure to change; with the employees to be divided into new sections. This is likely to cause significant disruption and it is expected that some employees will be dissatisfied with the restructure.


Together with the HR team, CEO, managers and a selection of employees, you agree to work toward these objectives to allow for the delivery of the required HR services:


  • To identify current competencies.
  • To develop and implement professional development programs for all employees.
  • To recruit employees as required.
  • To assist current employees adjust to the restructuring program.
  • To provide information to line managers to help them minimise risks to the health and safety of employees.
  • To develop and implement suitable health and safety policies.
  • To improve the management of workers’ compensation claims and facilitating return to work for injured employees.


Choose one short-term project and one long-term project, which you would like to complete. You could select a project to obtain a new job you would like to have but for which you are not currently qualified. You might select a house renovation. You could refer to celebrations for an upcoming 21st birthday or engagement party. You might choose a project to restore an old boat or car.

Develop a detailed action plan you could use to help you achieve the required short- and long-term goals. (150 words)



Activity 7

  • This is an example of a position description for a current job. It documents the responsibilities of a member of the HR team. Read it carefully and complete the activities.

Job title: Junior Clerical Assistant

Grade: 2

Job purpose

To provide routine clerical support.

Duties and responsibilities:

Assist with the processing of incoming and outgoing mail for the human resources (HR) department.

Manage the administration of current vacancies; this will include photocopying and mailing-out of details and application forms, processing applications on the computer and sending-out cards to unsuccessful candidates.

Retrieve and record messages from the recruitment answering machine.

Maintain manual and computerised personnel records. This includes the preparation and upkeep of personnel files and maintaining lists or databases for a variety of purposes.

Update computer records of absences of staff across the organisation due to illness; liaise with personnel from other departments for information when needed.

Transfer appropriate files and documents to microfilm.

Manage the HR department’s stationery—order stationery, ensure a satisfactory supply and maintain a record of the stationery budget.

Ensure a satisfactory supply of routine paperwork and documentation used by the HR department by regularly photocopying and replenishing appropriate documents.

Assist with enquiries received by the HR department, both by telephone and in person. This will include dealing with members of the general public, members of staff, potential employees and external organisations; there may be minimal contact with students.

Undertake general clerical duties such as routine photocopying and filing.

Undertake other duties as requested.


Supervisor: Senior Secretary Regularly supervised, or left to work within established guidelines, subject to scrutiny by supervisor.

Special conditions




  1. Identify ten of the verbs used in the duties and responsibilities section. (50 words)


  1. What are eight of the aspects of the position description used to document the responsibilities of a HR worker that could be improved? (50words)


  1. Provide an example of each of the missing sections that could be used to improve this position description. (50words)


  1. Create a job description that outlines the roles and responsibilities of HR professionals. (300 words)


Activity 9

  • 1

You are a senior HR manager employed by a telecommunications company with 250 employees. You have been asked to develop, negotiate and document a service agreement between the human resources department (to be known in the agreement as Human Resources Central) and a new department, which has been established to develop a new social networking product (to be known in the agreement as Project Flitter).

In your discussions with interested parties, you determine that the agreement should include:

    1. Delivery of HR client services including:
      1. preparation of job and position descriptions
      2. advising on job classification levels
      3. managing workplace changes
      4. managing equal opportunities website
      5. managing induction processes
      6. managing training programs (approx. 30 per year delivered by specialised trainers)
      7. managing promotions
      8. administering the performance management system
      9. processing travel claims
      10. processing wage/ salary payments
      11. administration of leave entitlements
      12. administration of workers’ compensation processes
    2. Delivery of recruitment services including:
      1. preparation of recruitment advertisements (approx. 300 per year)
      2. checking and paying accounts from recruitment agencies
      3. receiving, recording and short-listing applications
      4. handling applicants’ queries
      5. convening selection committees
      6. ensuring selection committees comply with policies and legal obligations
      7. arranging interviews
      8. checking references and obtaining referee reports
      9. making selections in consultation with selection committees
      10. obtaining approval for appointments
      11. preparing offers
      12. liaising with successful and unsuccessful candidates
      13. obtaining visas for non–Australian appointees
    3. Delivery of strategic planning services including:
      1. planning for new broad banding of positions
      2. reviewing reporting lines
      3. undertaking a review of approximately 40 current HR policies

Create a flow chart that sets out the steps to develop a service agreement. For each step, describe any areas you might use negotiation to develop an agreement more suitable for each party’s needs. (1 page)

  • Activity 10


  1. What is a Training Needs Analysis (TNA)? (50 words)

Activity 11

  • 1

Your organisation has agreed to deliver the human resources services:

Service 1: Provide advice on complaint handling and conflict resolution

Proposed delivery of service: Initial meetings with managers and employees. Presentations and training sessions.

Indicator that service has been properly delivered: Analysis of quarterly employee surveys shows that in 20XX/XX, an average of at least 70% of employees considered that complaints are handled appropriately and conflicts are properly resolved.

Service 2: Provide advice on reducing harassment and discrimination

Proposed delivery of service: Initial meetings with managers and employees. Presentations and training sessions.

Indicator that service has been properly delivered: Twenty percent reduction in complaints relating to harassment and discrimination in 20XX.

Service 3: Provide advice on the use of flexible working arrangements

Proposed delivery of service: Initial meetings with managers and employees. Presentations and training sessions.

Indicator that service has been properly delivered: Five percent of employees utilising flexible working arrangements by July 20XX.

Service 4: Review equal opportunity policies

Proposed delivery of service: Collection and review of policies.

Indicator that service has been properly delivered: All policies to be reviewed and recommendations made by July 20XX.

Service 5: Deliver programs intended to promote diversity in the workplace

Proposed delivery of service: Initial meetings with managers and employees. Programs including:

  • Pathways for Women
  • Employees as Carers
  • Dignity and Disability
  • Understanding Cultural Differences

Indicator that service has been properly delivered: An increase in the participation of women in the workforce to at least 35% by July 20XX. All buildings to be accessible by wheelchair by July 20XX. Complaints about discrimination due to religion reduced by 50% in 20XX/XX. At least 10% of employees who identify themselves as carers utilising flexible work arrangements.


  1. Identify five sources of information that needs to be gathered to allow you to monitor whether or not each service has been properly delivered. (100 words)
  2. Prepare a document, which could be used to help you monitor whether the human resources services have been delivered to the appropriate standard. The document could be in the form of a detailed checklist but should contain provision for all relevant information to be included. (2pages)
  3. In one concise sentence, explain what quality assurance standards are. (30words)


Activity 13

  • 1

You are the HR manager of an organisation that uses an external agency to deliver training modules to employees.

You are concerned that the agency is underperforming. They are not complying with the service agreement governing the delivery of the HR services. You decide to take remedial action.

What action might you take? Provide at least five examples. (50 words)

Activity 14

  • 1

Explain the difference between qualitative and quantitative information that might be gathered to evaluate the organisation’s human resources service delivery. (150– Words)


You have been asked to evaluate the organisation’s health and safety services. What type of information would you gather and where would you gather it? (100– Words)

Activity 15

  • 1

You are a HR manager of a large organisation. Your department provides HR services to internal and external clients. You have decided to survey the department’s clients to determine their satisfaction levels of the service being provided to them.

Undertake your own research to locate information about:

    1. Client satisfaction surveys.
    2. Service usage surveys.
    3. One other type of survey, which could be used.

Describe each type of survey in one or two sentences. Provide two examples of questions used in each type of survey. (100 words)

  • 2

Critically examine this statement:

The biggest problem with surveying clients to determine their level of satisfaction with the delivery of HR services is the difficulty in obtaining responses. Yet there is nothing, which can be done to increase the response rate.

Do you agree? Explain. (200 words)




Activity 16

  • 1

Explain each of these analytical methods in one paragraph: (100 words)

    1. The audit method.
    2. The analytical method.
    3. The budget method.
    4. The ratio method.
    5. The balanced scorecard.
  • 2 Which analytical method would you use? Why? (20 words)

Activity 17




What are the benefits of encouraging line managers’ participation and involvement when variations are proposed? Provide at least 10 examples. (100 words)


Summative assessment 1


  1. Identify five key pieces of legislation that apply to managing human resources. Provide five examples of what the key provisions of industrial legislation relate to. (100 words)
  2. Summarise the seven elements that are found in a well-written code of conduct. (150 words)
  3. Explain how human resource strategies and planning services relate to operational plans, particularly in relation to labour requirements. (250– words)
  4. Describe the problems with performance that might be identified when managing contracts. Identify two possible root causes of performance problems. (150– words)
  5. Explain how feedback can be used to modify the delivery of human resources services. Provide at least 10 examples. (100 words)

Summative assessment 2

Project 1


You are a HR manager for a bank. You have been asked to manage the development and delivery of HR services in one area. Complete the tasks using information gathered from your own research and knowledge you have obtained during your study.

Outline your ideas in a report to submit to your trainer/ assessor via negotiated method.

  1. Choose either the delivery of HR client services or recruitment services. Provide a description of your chosen service area, including a list of services which can be delivered in that area and the aims or purpose of your chosen service area. (200– words)
  2. Explain how the bank’s strategic and operational plans would be used to develop and manage human resources services. (150– words)
  3. Explain how what is happening in the external business environment might affect the development and management of human resources services. (100 words)
  4. Explain how you would manage diversity.(50 words)
  5. Develop a client needs assessment form, which could be distributed to line managers to identify their needs in your chosen HR service area. ( 1 page)
  6. Describe the requirements of legislation which applies in your chosen area and explain how you can ensure those requirements are met. (150– words)
  7. Develop a service agreement for the delivery of human resources services in your chosen area. ( 1 page)
  8. Develop an action plan/ strategic plan that could be used to implement HR services in your chosen area. ( 1 page )
  9. Develop a set of quality assurance standards that might be used to monitor the delivery of human resources services. What would you do if it were determined that quality standards were not being met? ( 1 page )
  10. Explain how you would calculate the ROI of providing human resource services. (150– words)
  11. Create a written survey that could be used to collect feedback from clients about their satisfaction with the services in your chosen area. (Use business technology if possible. If not, explain how business technology could have helped to make the process more efficient and how it could have assisted in the information management and planning process.) Explain how you would use this feedback. ( 1 page )
  12. Describe the ethical obligations relating to your chosen service area, which HR managers should observe. ( 100 words)