Analysis of Edmond Burke′s Conciliation with the colonies

An Analysis of Edmund Burke’s
“Conciliation with the Colonies”


This essay is to be an analysis and critique of Edmund Burke’s Speech on Conciliation with the Colonies, given before the British parliament on 22 March 1775. The essay is to address the following:


~ Who was Edmund Burke?


~ In this speech, what is Burke’s basic argument (what is his general theme and tone)? Does he support the colonists’ rebellious actions? What is his attitude toward the recent actions of The British Government?


~ discuss the six sources which Burke identifies as making the Americans’ love of liberty stronger “than in any other people on earth”. Do you agree with his assessment? Why or why not? Is there any one of these sources that you think is more important than the rest, and, if so, why do you think so?


To access Burke’s speech on-line:


1) go to:


2) in the upper right hand corner click: “Contents”


3) under “Major Themes” click: Fundamental Documents


4) click:  2. Edmund Burke, Speech on Conciliation with the Colonies, 22 Mar. 1775


n.b., Remember, any direct quotes or the paraphrasing of any ideas unique to the text (or any other sources you might use) must be properly footnoted.


DUE DATE: Tuesday, 27 February 2018




Your paper must 3-5 pages (at least 3 full pages of text),  be typed, double-spaced, stapled (upper left hand corner), footnoted when and where necessary, and include a bibliography. A cover page is o.k., however it does not count toward the total number of pages required for your paper (same is true for the bibliography). Artwork, fancy binders, acetate covers, and so on, are frowned upon.


Your paper must also adhere to all other mechanical requirements as outlined in the syllabus under “VIII.2.b General Mechanical Requirements for all essays”.


The Turabian citation format is preferred for all courses in the History Department. All other citation styles or formats will not be accepted for any writing assignments in Oakton history courses. As a university student, it is the student’s responsibility to be familiar with the Turabian citation style. For more info regarding this format: or see Rampolla, Chapter 7.