Analysis of plays tragedy genre.

12 pt font
Times new Roman
MLA format
Quotes nessecary, avoid plot summary, much of the essay should be analysis and evidence. Your thesis should be arguable while the rest of the essay supports it with analysis. You should attempt to acknowledge counter arguments and why they aren’t valid. The picture that’s included is a variety of prompts for the essay. ONLY ONE PROMPT SHOULD BE ADDRESSED. You CANNOT use any other resources besides the text listed below. You need to have knowledge of at least two of the following text:
‘‘Tis Pity she’s a whore

AGAIN, avoid plot summary!!! This should be a primarily a claim and evidence from the text as to why your claim is valid. There should also be direct quotes included in the essay from the text! ONLY USE THE TEXT LISTED PLEASE. THIS DOESNT REQUIRE RESEARCH OR OUTSIDE SOURCES.