Analysis of Rhetorical Strategies: Ethos, Logos, Pathos

Analysis of Rhetorical Strategies: Ethos, Logos, Pathos

This essay’s purpose is NOT analyzing what a writer is arguing about but, instead, focusing on how the writer presents his or her argument. You will do this by analyzing the writer’s use of rhetorical appeals—ethos, logos, and pathos.

Each body paragraph should focus on a different appeal, and each topic sentence should clearly state whether or not the appeal is effective. Furthermore, your thesis for this paper should state your judgment regarding the overall effectiveness of the article based on the strengths and weaknesses of the individual appeals.

Once again, your focus should in no way be an agreement or disagreement with the writer’s stance on the subject matter. Your focus is on analyzing HOW the writer is trying to persuade the reader and whether or not the presentation is overall effective or ineffective. Use the text and integrate quotes to illustrate the rhetorical strategies / appeals that the author uses. Cite appropriately.

Points of Consideration for Each Paragraph

Introduction: Who is the author, and what is the name of the article? What is the issue that the writer is writing about? What position does the writer take? In other words, what is he or she trying to prove? How effective is the writer’s presentation of the argument? (ßThis will be your thesis.)

Body (You may choose to write about the following appeals in any order):

Ethos– What are the writer’s credentials? Could he or she be considered as an expert in the  particular field? Does he or she have any relevant background in the subject matter? Does the writer’s overall tone and use of logic contribute or take away from his or her ethos and reputation? (Remember that the type of evidence and tone of presentation can strengthen or weaken a writer’s ethical appeal.)

Logos-What kinds of evidence does the writer use to argue his or her position? Does the writer exclusively use his or her own logical connections, or does he or she present other authorities on the subject matter? What research is used either by the author or by other experts? How is it effective or ineffective? Are there any opposing viewpoints raised? If so, does the author tear down the opposing viewpoint(s) satisfactorily?

Pathos-What reaction to the presented argument does the writer want the audience to have? How does he or she attempt to do this? Are there instances of sarcasm or insults directed to the reader or people who have an opposing viewpoint? Is the author’s tone and style of writing more formal and professional or is it less formal and more conversational? How does this contribute to the overall effectiveness of the argument?

Conclusion:  This is a standard conclusion. You should summarize your three points with multiple sentences, and explain how the writer was or was not overall effective in terms of presenting his or her argument.