Analysis of two primary sources from: “Reconstructing America, 1865-1877”, and “Forging a Transcontinental Nation, 1877-1900” from Schaller’s ch.’s 15 & 16

Write a well-developed and well-supported essay in which you analyze the importance of two of
those primary sources (one from ch. 15 and one from ch. 16), and discuss the multiple ways
those documents are important for the study of the United States from Reconstruction to the
latter part of the 19th century (and why that might matter for the 20th century).
For each primary source, provide us with the historical context necessary to fully
understanding that document- tell us the history behind that document (bring in knowledge
you’ve gained from Schaller’s ch’s 15 and 16 and from your films).
For example, if writing about the sources about native peoples: tell us about the history of
U.S. policy towards native peoples during the latter part of the 19th century- what was the
relationship? How did native peoples fare as the English-speaking population was expanding West
during the course of the 19th century? How did Indian peoples respond to the systematic expansion
of Whites onto territories they had lived on for generations?
Then, tell us all about that document- who wrote it? When? To whom? For what purpose?
What does it say? What are some assumptions behind it? Why is it historically significant? Discuss
all of the ways this document is important for our understanding of American history during
the second half of the 19th century.
For example, when analyzing Frederick Jackson Turner’s “Significance of the Frontier in
American History,” what are some assumptions behind this grand statement? What are some
consequences of it? How does it relate to Manifest Destiny? Be sure to bring in knowledge you’ve
gained from our film “To Conquer or Redeem: Manifest Destiny.”
When analyzing Primary sources from our textbook that are photographs and/or political
cartoons – provide deep historical context and analysis that goes beyond a mere summary and first
Be sure to provide historical context from our textbook and from our films on this topicshow
us that you’re making connections to our readings and the films that you’re watching and
taking notes on. Providing historical context is essential to this essay.
Length of this essay: about two well developed paragraphs with specific examples for each
document. Total length of this essay: 4-5 well developed paragraphs (800-1,200 words).
Citing evidence: Because we are all reading the same documents from the same books,
when citing a document, you can just give us the title of the document and then the page number in
parenthesis. When bringing in a quote from Schaller, you can simply cite it as: (Schaller, p. 541),
for example. When bringing in a quote from one of our required films, you can simply cite it as:
(“The Dispersal of the Tribes,” or “500 Nations: Wounded Knee”), for example.
RESPONSE ESSAY: You are also required to respond to at least one other student’s original
essay during the same time period. You can amplify on a point made, raise a related point,
discuss the issue in relation to other documents, agree or disagree with supporting evidence, and/or
raise new informed questions that we should all think about. Length of response essay: at least
one thoughtful, well-developed, and well-supported paragraph. These are response essays, not
“good job” notes- show us that you’re thinking deeply about this material and that you’re making
additional connections to our material. Be aware of the due date for your response essay as well.
To reply to a classmates’ posting, click “reply” to that particular posting.
History 109 Professor Contreras
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Write your essay in a word processing program so you can always have a copy. After
you’ve proofread it and spell-checked it (this is formal writing- please no “text-ese” and
capitalize when appropriate), select all of your text, “copy” it, then click “Reply” to the
Discussion Essay prompt and paste your essay in there, and click “submit”. (Use a 12 pt font).