Analyze various policy options that the United States might pursue with respect to North Korean nuclear and strategic missile capabilities.

. Introduction including your thesis statement. (about a paragraph or so) Opinions on Policy options for North Korea are not in short demand these days. Since Kim Jong-un came to power, North Korea has dominated the news headlines with saber rattling, threats of war and provocative acts toward South Korea for the past three years. The U.S policy so far has been rhetorical public statements denouncing North Koreas actions, the deactivation of 2nd ID and upon the most recent actions announced, and the recent announcement the U.S is reviewing war plan for defending South Korea amid North Korean buildup. This paper will explain why he Korean conflict has reached a high watermark and the young grandson of the “Kim dynasty” spanning three generations will see the great grandson take the reins someday. No one wants a war on the Korean peninsula especially China, this would only guarantee the U.S would find their way into their backyard. 2. The Main Body – Analyze using the Strategy Formulation Framework and the USAWC Strategy Model considering what objectively is doable, under what circumstances, and with what commitment of resources, while providing a general sense of how a strategy might come together. If you think that one of the following options is difficult to support, point out the specific challenge or dilemma that has to be overcome. a. Address the containment of North Korean capabilities. (about a paragraph or two) Globalization b. Address the Destruction of North Korean capabilities without regime change. (about a paragraph or two) Social media and the information age- Egypt Spring Rising c. Address regime change in North Korea. (about a paragraph or two) Trends, Norms, Trade and Stability for Nations allowing governments their own freedoms 3. Include a conclusion with your general findings and come up with your strategy recommendations based upon your DISPASSIONATE analysis without advocating for a specific policy. (about a paragraph or two) Global Environment Forces and Trends