Annotated Bibliography

The topic you are assigned to write about is on STD & Infectious Diseases. You are to pick one STD, once you pick the STD, you are going to write about preventative care, treatments, diagnoses, symptoms and long term effects. Please don’t let this limit your research, if you would like to include additional information about the STD you may.

Please read the syllabus carefully for further instructions on how to properly write your research paper. For your annotated bibliography, you will need to include a minimum of 6 journal articles, and a book


STD & Infectious Diseases (Choose one of the following)

  1. Viral diseases ( Examples: Herpes, HPV, HIV, Hepatitis C)
  2. Bacterial diseases (Examples: gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia)
  3. Fungal/parasitic diseases (Examples: candidiasis, trichomoniasis, scabies, pubic louse)






Research Paper:   The research paper will be 5 pages long (Times New Roman, 10pts, double-spaced, ~2000 words). It should include a half page introduction, 3 pages forming the body of the paper and a half page conclusion. Finally, the last page will consist of a reference page that will include a minimum of 6 journal articles, and 1 citation from a book. The paper cannot include ANY quotations.

NOTE: Spelling and grammatical errors are penalized. Plagiarizing is not acceptable! Your Lab Instructor will introduce you to it and how to avoid it in your papers this semester. Please take note of what your Lab Instructor tells you because failure to do so will result in getting an “F” for the paper with serious considerations to dismissal from the course and possibly the university (see Plagiarism Policy below). Each Lab Instructor is supplied with software that is sensitive to any level of Plagiarism and if you submit something that you have plagiarized the computer will find it. Do not copy anything directly from a web page. This is a serious offense and will be reported to the Dean.  You CANNOT RE-SUBMITT a paper, or portion of a paper, used for another lab or class.

To avoid plagiarizing you must cite every idea or piece of information that is not your own or “common knowledge.” You must write all information in your own words. Please be sure to talk to your Lab Instructor if you are unsure whether you have plagiarized and how to cite references. For more information please check the Research Paper Guidelines in the lab website. All citations should be in APA format. You must include in-text citations in your papers.