Annotated Bibliography (controversial issue)

Task Description
The annotated bibliography is a common genre in several academic disciplines because it provides a way to compile and takes notes on—that is, annotate—resources that are potentially useful in a research project. Annotated bibliographies are essentially lists of citations, formatted in a consistent documentation style, that include concise summaries of source material. Some annotated bibliographies include additional commentary about the sources—perhaps evaluations of their usefulness for the research project or comments about how the sources complement one another within the bibliography (perhaps by providing multiple perspectives).

You will write an annotated bibliography that seeks to find sources that will help you respond a specific research question. You should develop a research question and remember to try to choose a topic that genuinely interests you and you can find plenty of information online. Perhaps something related to your field of study or an issue in your discipline. Remember to choose a controversial issue so that you can analyze two sides of the argument. This website lists some interesting examples
Examples like: Recreational marijuana, animal testing, gun control, illegal immigration, death penalty, and so forth. You can choose any controversial topic that you want but clear it with me first.

• Purpose: An annotated bibliography is an organizing tool that is helpful when working on a research project. An effective annotated bibliography is used to compile research sources in one location and provide the researcher with quick access to the information contained in each source.
• Audience: This assignment should be directed at your scholarly peers, and you may assume that they have only a casual familiarity with your topic or issue.
• Content/subject: Your annotated bibliography will consist of the sources that you have deemed relevant to your topic and/or question(s) of inquiry. While you may encounter sources that are not relevant or do not fit the scope of your project while researching, for the purposes of this assignment, you will only include the ones that you find useful and relevant.

o Cite the source in proper MLA/APA format. The citations should be organized in alphabetical order by author just as in an MLA/APA References page.
o Follow with a brief annotation that summarizes the source (approx. 3-6 sentences). You may quote from the source, but do not copy and paste the abstract. Ideally, all of the annotation should be in your own words.
o In 2-3 sentences, explain the source’s relevance, importance to your issue, and how it connects to other sources.

Essential Requirements (things to include in the annotated bibliography)
● An introduction that clearly states your research question and describes the scope of your annotated bibliography.
● 5 to 8 sources (depending on the scope of the sources and the number of perspectives you want to represent), organized alphabetically. If you choose a different organization (e.g., topical), explain how you have organized your annotated bibliography in the introduction.
● At least 2 of those sources must be from peer-reviewed academic articles. The other ones can be newspaper articles, films, etc)
● An annotation for each source that includes:
• A summary (3-6 sentences) of the source that gives a concise description of the main findings, focused on what is most important for responding to your research question.
• Relevant information about the authors or sponsors of the source to indicate credibility, bias, perspectives, and so forth.
• An indication of what this source brings to your annotated bibliography that is unique and/or how it connects to the other sources.
• A citation in a consistent documentation style

Format Requirements
● Your project should be formatted in 12-pt. font with 1-inch margins.
● Your project should follow MLA format (or APA)

Course Objectives
After completing this project, and its associated course module, you will have made progress towards the following student learning objectives:
● 1B. analyze the way a text’s purposes, audiences, and contexts influence rhetorical options.
● 2A. employ a variety of research methods, including primary and/or secondary research, for purposes of inquiry.
● 2B. evaluate the quality, appropriateness, and credibility of sources.
● 2C. incorporate evidence, such as through summaries, paraphrases, quotations, and visuals.
● 2E. support ideas or positions with compelling discussion of evidence from multiple sources.
● 3C. suggest useful global and local revisions to other writers.
● 3F. reflect on progress as an academic writer
● 4A. follow appropriate conventions for grammar, punctuation, and spelling, through practice in composing and revising.
● 4B. identify and effectively use variations in genre conventions, including formats and/or design features.
● 4E. apply citation conventions systematically in their own work.