Application Essay for Computer Science

I was privileged to be born in a family of civil engineers and it was the care and love of my family that the passion for math and geometry grew. I was not very much interested in events, publications and innovations and so for me to have a clear idea of what I would want to specialize in, I followed my dad to work last summer. Witnessing my father at his place of work, I was able to see how people from different cultures interacted. I was intrigued in how my father shared ideas with other architects and engineers who were not from the same field. Because my father was a civil engineer, a larger amount of time at his workplace was spent on planning which included drawing and designing activities for a particular construction project.

Realizing the significance of the designed buildings to the community, I decided what I wanted to pursue in life. Because of the high affinity that I have to scientific courses particularly physics, biology and chemistry, I performed an extensive research on which course could be related to engineering. I was confident that chemical engineering was the field I would want to specialize in because it incorporates both scientific and mathematical concepts that are my favorite. Chemical engineering also includes all processes of analytical thinking that I observed at my father’s place of work as well as intriguing communication skills that propel my interest towards the field.

Studying at Yale University my desire in engineering would be fulfilled. The chemical engineering department at Yale school of engineering comes with unique and valuable research techniques that significant to my career. I trust Yale University because I believe it will provide me with a larger and robust foundation to showcase my innovations. With particular reference to the support system in the institution and its curriculum, Yale University would make a great place where my creativity can be employed thus contributing positively to the diverse community.