Assessment event 1: Portfolio – Assist in developing a
project schedule
This event requires you to submit a portfolio of evidence that demonstrates your ability to assist in
developing a project schedule.
This assessment is based on the “Game On!” project scenario*. Your portfolio of evidence must include the
following items:
1. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
2. Estimation of task duration and effort
3. Gantt chart
4. Initial project schedule agreement
5. Communication to stakeholders
These items must address the criteria listed in the table below.
 *This assessment builds on the work you have submitted as part of the previous unit BSBPMG409.
Refer back to your items submitted for this unit and use this information in conjunction with the
direction of the next part of the Plan2go scenario for this event
 Download the templates to prepare scheduling information and documents
You must meet the marking criteria below in order to successfully complete this assessment
1. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Use this Work Breakdown Structure tool to develop
a WBS from the information provided in the
scenario. The WBS must cover enough detail to
enable effective planning and control and must:
1. Include an overview of your project.
2. List each major phase of the project.
3. Identify subtasks within each phase.
4. Identify predecessor relationships
5. Provide task numbers in logical sequence
6. Identify milestones/deliverables for tasks
2. Estimation of task duration and effort Use the resource matrix to identify your project
resource requirements for your WBS. Include:
1. Task number
2. Task name
3. Task duration
4. Identify the resource required
3. Gantt chart Use this Plan2go Gantt project planner template to
develop a project schedule. The schedule must
contain the minimum information below:
1. Project name
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Created: 22 Feb 2016 | Revised: 28 Sep 2017
Unit Assessment Guide
2. Task numbers
3. Task names
4. Task duration
5. Sequence of tasks which they must be
6. A graphic representation of the project’s
activities (Gantt Chart).(Note – You may
substitute this spreadsheet template for
project management specific Gantt chart
software such as Microsoft Project or other
online Gantt chart software.)
4. Initial project schedule agreement Combine the WBS and Gantt chart to create and
obtain agreement to the Initial Project Schedule. To
gain agreement you need to:
1. Provide enough information for the
agreement to be obtained.
2. Identify the project authority.
3. Make any changes if required.
5. Communication to stakeholders Use this email template to create a draft email for
stakeholders that includes:
1. A copy of the approved initial project
2. Key milestones
3. Key deliverables
4. Any possible issues/constraints
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Created: 22 Feb 2016 | Revised: 28 Sep 2017
Unit Assessment Guide
Assessment event 2: Portfolio – Maintain a project
This event requires you to submit a portfolio of evidence that demonstrates your ability to maintain a project
This assessment builds on the previous event and additional information in Part 2 of the Plan2go scenario.
Your portfolio of evidence must include the following documentation items:
1. Progress report
2. Performance measurement
3. Analysing impacts
4. Updating schedules
These items must address the criteria listed in the table below.
 Download and read the scenario for this event
 Use the Plan2go templates or equivalent templates from your own organisation
 Read and interpret the project change emails and new issues relevant to your sub-project contained
within the scenario.
 You may assume that this progress report is occurring at the end of your “Planning phase” of the
You must meet the marking criteria below in order to successfully complete this assessment
1. Progress report Use this Project Report template to provide an
overview of the status of the current schedule plan
to the original in the scope documents. The
Progress Reports must include:
1. Progress on project outcomes
2. Progress against planned activities
3. Budget status
4. Schedule status
5. Risk status
6. Issue status
7. Account for all issues, risk, unforeseen
circumstances and contingencies
2. Performance measurement Use this email template to compile a 1 page
summary of the performance measurement
procedures in relation to the most recent issue
causing a change. The summary must include:
1. An explanation of the performance process
2. A description of the processes used to
record baseline variance between actual
and planned progress.
3. An explanation of the tools and techniques
used to measure project progress against
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Unit Assessment Guide
the baseline
3. Analysing impacts Use the change control process to assess the
impact of the current project issues on the project
schedule. You will need to:
1. Identify any recommended changes to the
project scope.
2. Record the details of the scope change in
this change request form
3. (Note: You may assume that any change
requests identified are then approved by
4. Updating schedules From your understanding of the emails and issues,
update the task status with agreed changes. You
must modify and submit your project schedule
documents with approved changes. Included
1. Work Breakdown Structure
2. Gantt Chart
3. Project schedule
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Created: 22 Feb 2016 | Revised: 28 Sep 2017
Unit Assessment Guide
Assessment event 3: Report – Participate in assessing
time-management outcomes
This event requires you to submit a report that demonstrates your ability to participate in assessing time
management outcomes
This assessment builds on the previous events and additional information in Part 3 of the Plan2go scenario.
Your report must include the following:
1. Review performance
2. Document scheduling issues
These items must address the criteria listed in the table below.
 Download and complete the templates below for this event.
 This event focuses on assessing the outcomes of planning/time-scheduling activities only. You may
assume that all deliverables were met, except for the delays outlined in the scenario.
You must meet the marking criteria below in order to successfully complete this assessment
1. Review performance Use the blank report template to prepare a review
of project performance to determine the
effectiveness of time management. As a minimum,
you should provide detail on the following:
1. Key deliverables
2. Actual and planned performance
3. Variations to original plan
4. Actual and planned performance including
5. Factors impacted on project timeline
6. Ability to measure progress
7. Documentation reviewed
8. Who has given input to your report
2. Document scheduling issues Use the Lessons Learned Log to analyse and
identify schedule impacts on project time
management, resource requirements, costs and
risks, and document project scheduling and time
management issues and responses. You must
1. Minimum of five (5) scheduling and time
management issues
2. Provide recommendations for future
projects for each issue