Argumentative/persuasive research paper

Argumentative/persuasive research paper 10 pages 1. Cover page 2. Abstract 3. Text(body) 10 pages 4. Reference page · You must take a side or a postion on your topic. I will be presention this essay infront of my class on the due date stated The topic I chose is about cyber security and what can be done to prevent it, basically now adays people don’t take in consideration on being safe online and make them selfves vurablable to hackers by being exposed to attacks online on computers and smartphone without people knowing it. So basically I want to write about whats happening now and bring points on what is happening and so people can take this serious since mostly on the news are about racisim now isis and ebola etc there is not news about ccyber attacks on companys such as sony. So please ask me questions on how I want to approach this research paper to the direction you think I should go because I ccan either make a point on this research than take a side since there is not a good side in hacking. This links are updated news on the topic ofcyber attacks you can use other articles related on the topic doest just have to be about only sony but also about past attacks from recent years from other companys it fine would prefer within this year to be update on the topic;k=pmc-adi-31bb2464aad8b905af7a81e1d57b77ae–finance.html