The Aspects of Diversity in ADP


In the modern times, the aspects of workplace diversity have become major priorities for both large and small corporation managers to put into consideration. Over the decades, both local and international organizations have been championing for workplace diversity.  The organizations drive towards workplace diversity has been necessitated by drastic shift of the nature of jobs, manufacturing industry, increased service sector jobs, branding in the companies, sincere business ethics and investors’ relations. Despite the large companies to manage workplace diversity, many challenges still exist in terms of chauvinism, classism and racism. The three aspects of workplace diversity still remain interconnected and intact with other sources of diversity such as enculturation, healthcare and education. Moreover, workplace diversity might also be revealed in terms of: gender, class, age, race, physical abilities, minority, ethnicity, sexual orientation and religion. The role of the work is to illustrate the aspects of workplace diversity in ADP Organization.

The aspects of workplace diversity in ADP Organization

ADP Organization is an organization that goes beyond providing technologies and data services as it assist its clients in making better business decisions. The organization assists other business in the economy to unlock their business potentials. For over 60 years, the ADP organization has been in the forefront in providing outsourcing solutions to other businesses. Today, the organization is believed to be one of the most diverse, admired and innovative (Matt, 2015). The company’s deep insight, unmatched experience and innovative technology have enables it to gain strategic business and competitive advantage. The organization is not only limited to assisting other organization attain their comparative and competitive advantage but putting the needs of the society and the environment at the heart of the organizations decision making strategies.

As a matter fact, accessing diversity related material from the ADP Organization is easy and simple.  Diversity related materials are easily accessible because from the Company’s portfolio one can be in position to realize that it has employed workers from different ages, social class, ethnicity group, racial background, sexual orientation and physical abilities. Different images in the company’s portfolio indicate how successful the company has been in ensuring workplace diversity (Dueto, 2010).  Basically there is a direct link from the company’s portfolio which directs the reader on how the company has continued to observe the workplace diversity in both the internal, external and environmental affairs (

Diversity in the ADP Company website

By entering the term “diversity” in the search box of the company’s portfolio, the search shall reveal that the organization is committed to various forms of diversity such as:  provision of flexible working environment, how to work with the suppliers diversity, boosting diversity, promotion of awareness, leveraging the benefits associated with the differences and commitment of the organization towards diversity in general. Sometimes searching under the “press releases” or “careers” may assist in establishment of the diversity related information such as: employees payment, benefit management, compliance, human resource analyzes, health care reforms, being in regard with the legislation, and talent management (Kreitz, 2014).  Having various sites from which one may be explore the diversity related materials might be of great significance in informing the researchers and the other organization in search of their organization services to understand how ADP Organization respect, observe and is committed towards workplace diversity.

The significance of the workplace diversity in the organization website

The usefulness of the workplace diversity information in the ADP Organization portfolio is of great importance for the potential employees because they will be assured that their diversity in terms of their: religion, ethnicity, social class, race, gender, sexual orientation and fairness in decision making shall be respected and honored (Dueto, 2010).  By the customers accessing the workplace diversity of the ADP organization they would be committed to rely on the products and services of the organization as they would be in position to be assured that their demands shall be fulfilled according to their expectation or the company go beyond it’s the customers’ expectation. Moreover, the availability of the workplace diversity in the ADP Organization shall be or great significant to the suppliers because they would be assured of timely payment and consistent supply.  Moreover, the ADP Organization workplace diversity information is associated with the company’s cases of core values, diversity and mission.  The diversity interrelated material is so current because it talks about the day to day running of the business and the reasons as to why the organization remains committed and successful.

The use of the photographs in the organization’s websites

The appropriate of the photographs and graphic material in related to workplace diversity in ADP organization is to illustrate how the organization is committed to diversity in terms of: gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, religion, physical abilities, fairness, age and class (Dueto, 2010). As a matter of fact, the use of the photographs indicates that the company employs people from different background and there is no favor of any kind in the organization. The ADP organization believes in equity in employment and distribution of resources.

Job application based on ADP website

As a potential employee, customer and supplier looking at the ADP organization photograph from the website I believe they encourage the employees to apply for jobs because the workers in the photographs are of: different ages, gender, mental abilities, race, ethnic heritage, sexual orientation.  In addition, the organization web site photographs illustrate different people working in different geographical location within the organization. They illustrate that the workers within the ADP organization has a variety of work experience, family status, earn different incomes, religion, and education, level of communication and organization role (Hunt, 2013). The photographs illustrate various people using laptop and phone communicating with other stakeholders of the organization. As a matter of fact, ADP organization is such a company that is committed to various kinds of workplace diversity as indicated by the different photographs in its websites.

Communication level

The role of the different people within the ADP Organization might influence the internal management of the prominence diversity in the organization. Basically, the role played by the organization employees has the potential to influence the workplace diversity in the organization website just in case altered (Hunt, 2013). The ADP Company is proud for being rewarded and recognized as an organization that is committed towards workplace diversity.  The company has a great story that is being told by various organization stakeholders.

Given the fact that the ADP Company uphold its mission by bring its value to its clients, working hard always, being a global community, working according to the highest ethical standard, providing high quality products and services and the business in general. It has been several rewarded and recognized by the other organizations with different rewards (Hunt, 2013).  It was rank number one in business services security, recognized for being an integrated talent management vendor analysis, pay roll provider, the recruitment outsourcing provider, technology innovation award and e-recruitment awards. The ADP Company commitment to diversity, recognition and rewards illustrated that the company is not a game of numbers by the organization’s mission.  As a matter of fact, the diversity in the workplace brings diverse ideas and from these ideas best solutions shall be obtained.

Being a female over 55 years  with racial minority, person with physical challenge  and a lesbian  I would go ahead to apply for the join in the ADP Company given the fact that I am qualified. The fact that the ADP Company is a workplace diversified company based on the various aspects of diversity represent in its website (Dueto, 2010). As a matter of fact, based on the photographs and the websites messages from the company’s website I understand that my personal diversity shall be respected by the company managed as the company has done previously. The various recognition and rewards received by the ADP Company I am assured that my diversity would not be a hindrance towards me applying for the position being advertised in the company because I already qualify for the position.


Prior to job applicants, employees, employers and customers analyzing the organization’s internal conflict and productivity, it is fundamental for these stakeholders to analyze the organization in terms of its workplace diversity. Workplace diversity in the organization is based upon the: race, class, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, class, age, religion, fairness, diversity and physical ability. It is the role of each organization in the economy to ensure that it observes and respect workplace diversity of all kind for the sake of all. It is believed that organizations such as ADP which recognize workplace diversity are not only a game of numbers but the organization’s mission.  Workplace diversity is an organization’s refreshment of the organizations relevance in the economy. Therefore, it should be understood that diversity of the people in an organization such as ADP brings diversified ideas. From the ideas diversification, the organization is always in position to provide diversified and best solutions.


Matt, R. (2015). The diversity of people brings diversity of ideas, and from a diversity of ideas, you get the best solution(s).  New York Publishers.

Hunt, G. (2013). Committing to diversity is not just a numbers game, it’s a mission. University of Cambridge.

 Dueto, H (2010) Diversity in the Workplace: Benefits, Challenges and Solutions. San Francisco press.

Kreitz, L. (2014). ADP Organization’s Best Practices for Managing Organizational Diversity. California Publishers.