Which aspects of the film version of The Odyssey , directed by Andrey Konchalovskiy, surprised you?  Did you find any of the details of the film—whether those of plot structure, characterization, or emotional tone—strikingly different from those features of the text?

Which aspects of the film version of The Odyssey , directed by Andrey Konchalovskiy, surprised you?  Did you find any of the details of the film—whether those of plot structure, characterization, or emotional tone—strikingly different from those features of the text?


How does the way the film begins differ from the text? How does that influence the way you interpret the story of Odysseus, which is distinct from either the plot of the film or the plot of the text?  Keep in mind that the Oxford English Dictionary defines plot as: “the main events of a play, novel, film, or similar work, devised and presented by the writer as an interrelated sequence.” So, the plot is the artistic order in which the author presents the events of the story within the literary work, not the chronological order in which they could be understood to have taken place would in time.