Assessing the impact of instagram on Destination Image

This is in fulfilment of a business and tourism course.
‘Assessing the impact of Instagram on destination image’

Will be put through turn it in so all original words.

A first draft literature review has been included to give you background to my research paper.
Aims and objectives of the research and research questions to be answered have also been included, please make sure to relate to the literature review (compare/contrast your findings with points made my various authors in the literature review)

What I need is:
a semiotic analysis/discussion on Instagram of two cities/countries official Instagram pages. I have chosen VisitScotland as one. and the other you chose would preferably contrast with the type of image portrayed by VisitScotland.

I need screen grabs included in the text to show your semiotic analysis of the photos uploaded by these official instagram pages. (4 photo/instagram page website feature analysis’ for each city/country = 8 in total)
The research will discuss similar themes portrayed (if any) such as colours, are the photos edited? do they allow the public photos to be used on their instagram or are they very controlling with what destination image is being portrayed.
Since having an official instagram account, has this boosted visitor numbers? research dates and compare for both countries/cities.