his assignment connects with ALL of the course objectives (see page 1 of this syllabus). Please review and be mindful of all course objectives and learning standards before writing your paper. This paper should adhere to APA guidelines and include all references. Minimum is 7 pages.

E. FINAL PAPER- 30% (Due: April 17th)

This assignment connects with ALL of the course objectives (see page 1 of this syllabus). Please review and be mindful of all course objectives and learning standards before writing your paper. This paper should adhere to APA guidelines and include all references. Minimum is 7 pages.

Your final paper is intended to provide each student the opportunity to critically think through their proposal from the group presentation. You must demonstrate a command of the literature on the topic. Be creative to organize your paper reflecting your critical thinking but make sure that the final paper includes a thorough review and analysis of the topic, its related services and policies, and discussion on counseling implications, and recommendations for improvement. I strongly encourage you to use the outline below as a guide when completing your paper. It is expected that you outline the paper with the following headers:

• Brief Synopsis
• Overview of your proposal
• Funding
• Structure
• Evidenced based practices provided
• Implications
• Review

–Below is an outline of how to get the most amount of points in each section. Use your critical thinking skills and don’t just recite data. The additional bullet points mentioned (not in bold) are example ways to critically think about the header and may not apply to your specific proposal.

• Brief Synopsis
• What is the need within the community? Is this need supported?
• What population does it serve?
• How was your proposal received? Changes needed?
• Overview of your proposal
• Mission, vision, values
• Where are you located?
• Size of your location
• Any special considerations
• Number of staff?
• Who are you connected to? (depends if you are private or public)
• Why did you choose this?
• Any ethical or legal issues with this?
• Funding
• How much money do you need?
• Where are you getting this money? Or how are you planning on using it?
• Grants
• Community funding
• State or federal $
• Clients
• How do you make money?
• Balancing making money and providing service in the community
• Structure
• Board? CEO? CFO? COO?
• Leadership?
• Front line staff
• Supplemental staff
• Who does what?
• Evidenced based practices provided
• Implications
• Legal issues
• Ethical
• Community buy in
• Review
• What weren’t you expecting from start to finish
• Barriers, issues, difficulties?
• Would your proposal work within identified community?
• Is this applicable across any setting?
• Community
• Public or Private
• How did financing impact your original mission/vision?
Points Rubric:
• Brief Synopsis: 2pts
• Overview of your proposal: 5pts
• Funding: 5pts
• Structure: 5pts
• Evidenced based practices provided: 5pts
• Implications: 5pts
• Review: 3pts