This assignment requires you to produce a piece of written work, no longer than3,000 words, on three aspects of QS Professional Practice: Tendering, financial control and reporting, and professional conduct.

The assignment brief and instructions for presentation and submission are detailed below. The word
count should be stated on the first page of the answer (word count includes all material except the

The submissions should be strictly in accordance with the following instructions:
1) The submissions should be typed in Arial using font size 11
2) Single line spacing, but leaving a space between paragraphs.
3) Make copious use of sub headings which should be in bold type and underlined.
4) Lists of facts or items should be bullet pointed.
5) Where case law is used in the answer, the name of the case should be typed in bold
italics. The full reference citation should be included as a footnote on each relevant
page where the case appears.
6) All text should have both margins justified.
7) Do not make use of separate title pages or blank pages.
8) The submission must be written in the third person throughout (use of I, me, my,
you, your, etc. are not to be used).
9) Students must proof read their work before submission for good grammar, use of
English, choice of words and spelling, etc.
10) The assignments must be submitted by the due date and time
11) Marks awarded for presentation will reflect how closely the student has adhered to
the above instructions.

1. Task summary
This assignment requires you to produce a piece of written work, no longer than3,000
words, on three aspects of QS Professional Practice: Tendering, financial control and
reporting, and professional conduct.

2. How to approach the assignment task
The following is an extract from a report in The Independent.
‘The cost of the High Speed 2 (HS2) rail project, intended to increase capacity between
London, the Midlands and the north of England, is under fresh scrutiny.In a BBC Panorama
programme, a former HS2 executive has claimed that early estimates of the value of
properties along the route that needed to be bought were “enormously wrong”. Doug
Thornton, former land and property director, said the figures underestimated the amount HS2
would have to pay, and that “thousands” more properties had not been budgeted for at all.
Using this headline, produce a report that analyses the key failings in the management of the
project from a QS viewpoint.
In terms of content you must cover the following elements:
• Theoretical approaches to QS professional practice in the selected areas
• A brief discussion of each subject
• Key features
• Illustrate your work using the HS2 project as a reference point, and your work
• A critical evaluation of the arguments presented
Your work should include a short introduction to signpost what your work will address and its
key arguments. It should end with a summary and conclusion that does not introduce new
material or points. You should provide in-text citations and include a reference list or
bibliography at the end in the Harvard style.
3. Learning outcomes
This assignment assesses module learning outcomes (LO) 2, 3 and 4
LO1: Measure and describe a range of complex construction and design work in accordance
with current rules of measurement for the quantification and costing of construction works
LO2: Research and evaluate professional advice for the application of Quantity Surveying
contract practice and procedures
LO3: To identify and apply techniques for project financial control and reporting
LO4: Understand and apply conduct rules, ethics and professional practice
4. Tasks
4.1 Tendering
• Explain how as a private quantity surveyor you would assess tender submission
4.2 Financial control and reporting
• Identify and explain those elements that need to be considered when assessing the
final estimate of cost Include a checklist of items which you would expect to include.
Your answer should take into account the HS2 appointment arrangements.
• Critically analyse the key problems that exist and propose an appropriate post- contract
cost control system to address/mitigate the issues the project faces
4.3 Professional conduct
• Critically evaluate the value of professional codes of ethics to construction
Assessment Criteria for each part of this assignment are as follows:
In completing this assignment, you should demonstrate:
• Critical appreciation and understanding of the context in which Quantity Surveying
services are provided (20%)
• Identify key aspects of tendering, financial control and professional conduct in the
provision of QS services (30%)
• Critically evaluate the application of QS services to construction
projects (20%)
• Critical awareness of practice and procedure differences between construction
projects and the various ways in which contractual arrangements areimplemented
• Appropriate assignment format, structure, presentation, clarity and quality of writing
and correct Harvard referencing (10%)
This Coursework assessment component contributes a maximum of 60% to your Module

These conventions are adopted by the University for the marking of assessed work and are
supported by the prevailing University taxonomy as detailed in guidance issued by Quality
Assurance Services
Excellent (70-100%) Distinction level
Coherent structure, well informed argument relevant to the subject
Well developed analysis of concepts
Well developed ability to combine theory and practice in the analysis
Evidence of wide reading and research around the subject matter
Clear understanding of reading and research and use of the correct method
referencing woven into the writing
Strong evidence of an individualistic approach to writing
New and original ideas around the subject matter
A range of examples from your own organisation or others.
Generally complies with the assignment brief and represents an excellent answer
Above average (60-69%) Merit level
Good understanding of the subject
Clear structure and appropriate use of argument relevant to the subject matter
Coherent analysis of concepts
Good ability to combine theory and practice into the analysis
Evidence of reading around the subject matter
An understanding of the reading around the subject and use of a referencing system
Generally complies with the assignment brief and represents a very good answer
Average (50-59%) Pass level
An understanding of the subject but structure and argument less well defined
Some analysis of the subject
Some attempt to combine theory and practice in the analysis
Evidence of reading around the subject matter
Some understanding of the reading and limited use of referencing
Limited evidence of individualist approach in the writing
Some examples in practice in your own organisation or others
This is a satisfactory answer representing a well-argued case but perhaps missing some key
requirements of the assignment brief (possibly some problems with the Report format and
with referencing omissions or errors)
Satisfactory (40-49%) Marginal pass level
Structure and argument poorly defined
Limited analysis of concepts
Little evidence of reading around the subject
Poor understanding of any such reading and little referencing
Individualistic approach lacking
This is a pass mark but with some deficiencies in the answer – for example, non-compliance
with parts of the assignment brief or some apparent confusion in the answers provided –
but represents a reasonable effort.
Unsatisfactory (less than 40%) Fail
The assignment remains misunderstood or not answered
Response under number of words required
No evidence of reading around subject matter
Central concepts not grasped
Errors in narrative of fact or of a very basic or key nature
No evidence of how theory and practice is combined
There are some major problems with the answer. Likely causes include non-compliance with
the assignment instructions, poor presentation, errors of fact and other inaccuracies.
Check list for all assignments
1.1 Check carefully the issue date and submission dates for all assignments.
1.2 Read carefully the instructions which usually give the terms of reference for
1.3 Follow the instructions and only deviate from them when this has been
agreed with the tutor.
1.4 Give all tables a title and table number and then refer to these in thetext.
1.5 Give all illustrations (drawings, photographs, graphs etc.) a title and a figure
number and then refer to these in the text.
1.6 Put the table or illustrations into the text on the next available page afterfirst
referring to them.
1.7 Make sure that all pages are numbered (even in the case of essays) and the
pages are in the correct order.
1.8 Make sure that all tables and figures are numbered consecutively and in the
correct order.
1.9 With the exception of essays, make sure that there is a table of contents with
page numbers indicated.
1.10 Make sure that your work is properly referenced and that a bibliography is
included at the back of the assignment in the form that the reader couldfind
the original sources. The Harvard system of referencing isrecommended
1.11 You are required to prepare and submit your own work for assessment
purposes. You should not use another’s work or collude in any way tomeet
the assignment criteria and deadlines. The University Regulations for
cheating, plagiarism or other forms of unfair practice will be followed and
applied where necessary.
Compiling a Bibliography and referencing using the Harvard System
You are required to acknowledge the sources you have used during the research and
production of a written project or dissertation and so it is important that you adopt and
become familiar with the use of a standardised method of bibliographical citation.