This assignment will provide you with an opportunity to analyse cross-cultural literature and relate it to negotiation in a practical way. Each person will focus on a country (Mexico) and must develop a cross-cultural negotiation profile. The purpose of the profile is to give practical advice to people from elsewhere who are planning to negotiate with people from that particular culture. What do they need to know in order to negotiate effectively?

This assignment will provide you with an opportunity to analyse cross-cultural literature and relate it to negotiation in a practical way. Each person will focus on a country (Mexico) and must develop a cross-cultural negotiation profile. The purpose of the profile is to give practical advice to people from elsewhere who are planning to negotiate with people from that particular culture. What do they need to know in order to negotiate effectively?
Create the cross-cultural negotiation profile including a set of concrete recommendations for appropriate ways to adapt a “culture-neutral” negotiation plan to a negotiation with a counterpart from the relevant culture.
Recommended process for creating your presentation/submission:
1. Research the culture of your chosen country/cultural group.
2. Fill out the Cross-cultural negotiation profile for the country/culture
3. Analyse how you would adapt or what you would add to the Planning guide to prepare for a negotiation with someone from this particular country/culture.
4. Summarise your advice to negotiators who are preparing to negotiate with someone from this particular country/culture.
Include your completed Cross-cultural Negotiation Profile and your advice for how to adapt a negotiation plan and prepare for a negotiation with someone from your chosen country/culture. The aim of this submission is to summarise the advice you have given; keep it concise and succinct.
Prioritise clarity: The audience/reader will want a clean summary of your research, and practical tips. More is not necessarily better. Practical and useful advice supported by evidence should be your aim.
Marking Rubric:
• Identifies appropriate characteristics of the relevant culture using models from the literature.
• Shows critical thought in adapting the negotiation plan to the relevant culture.
• Presents clear and practical and appropriate recommendations.