Assume you are working on a beach hotel website project. Write down your takeaways and what key things you learned while working your project front-end design by using html, css and javascript.

Assume you are working on a beach hotel website project.
Write down your takeaways and what key things you learned while working your project front-end design by using html, css and javascript

Here are a couple of examples that might help you understand what you should you write.

Ex 1:
I’ve found that with div tags and aligning them and all that, it’s best to set them up in CSS to contain a border of some kind (or background color), so you can visually see where it is and how it’s lining up. I usually start with the layout/design first in HTML, setting up all the divs I think I’ll need, setting their height, width, and other various properties in my CSS file, then there’s a lot of troubleshooting. But if you set up the layout beforehand, then you can use that HTML file as your template and just fill in the content where it’s necessary. I know that doesn’t totally help, but I’ve basically been living on W3Schools and StackOverflow this semester, and it’s helped me tremendously in understanding a lot of what I don’t understand in this class.

This was a fun week as I felt it was a bit of a breather (at least for those of us who have done Java or C++ or some other programming language in the past–which I feel is likely everyone in the course at this point) .
While it was a good week to get the programming gears going again and familiarize ourselves with the syntax (the last actual programming I had to do for work was just VBA programming, so bringing back semicolons was nostalgic), the material learned so far definitely isn’t going to help with the final product of my website. I look forward to continue to learn more about javascript and hopefully apply what I learn to my final site.
As far as the reading, reviewing the idea of object models, I believe, is never a bad thing. Every time I go back over the topic, I feel like some extra neurons are making some new and useful connections as far as how to approach problems or model situations. However, outside of functions and models, ideas such as loops, switches, if/else statements, and basic methods are review for me.