
The global market for bcarotene is projected to reach a market value of close to 280$ in the year 2013, that projects a growth at a CGR of 3.5 % from 2014 through 2019. Cosmeceuticals and personal care give a lucrative potential market for bcarotene. The supplements and anti-aging cosmetics are greatly demanded by consumers worldwide. Ingredients for beta carotenes are therefore in continuous demand as nutritional additives that are natural in cosmetics products as well as supplements for diets.         The Latin American and Asia Pacific markets are the new destinations for ingredient manufacturers for beta carotene. The market for beta carotene is segmented as; by source; algae, fungi, synthetic, palm oil and others; by application; animal feed, food and beverage, dietary supplements, pharmaceuticals and others. By Geography there is North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and the rest of the world (Vásquez-Caicedo, 2007).

Rhodotorula minuta is fungi that synthesize a various range of pigment such as the bcarotene to prevent light caused damage. It is an emerging yeast pathogen that causes infection, particularly in patients that are immunocompromised. It has a distinctive color as a result of pigment that the yeast creation blocks out various lights’ wavelengths that would otherwise damage the cell (May & Cotton, 2015).


May, P. W., & Cotton, S. A. (2015). Molecules that amaze us. Print

Vásquez-Caicedo, L. R. A. L. (2007). Fundamentals of tropical fruit processing with special reference to b-carotene [beta-carotene] retention in fluid mango products. Aachen: Shaker. Print.