Behavior Modification

The behavior that was chosen is Anxiety influenced Anger.

You will be able to learn firsthand about behavior modification. For this exercise, you have to select a behavior you would like to change. You will be required to keep a behavior log provided to you in class. There will be opportunities for you to talk about the behavior change during class times. Your instructor will facilitate these discussions. For the assignment you have to reflect on the behavior modification, critically analyze the process and dynamics and apply a theoretical framework. This is a professional paper; it should be at least 10 – 12 pages in length (not including the cover page or references), typewritten, one and a half spacing and in APA style of writing. Please address the following sections:

1. Abstract
2. Introduction of the behavior
3. Short literature overview of the type of behavior you aim to change (use at least 10 articles)
4. Identify the theoretical framework and apply it to the behavior
5. Explain all aspects of behavior modification as relevant to your behavior change
6. Summary:
-Identify strengths and barriers to behavior change
-Discuss social work implications to behavior modification
7. Provide the completed behavior log